Are you able to tell the real from the phonies? I see some posters that automatically raise suspicions because of how they state things. Others, after reading what they have to say over a period of time, show their true colors. And then there are the posters that pretend to be something here but are just the opposite in Watchtower world. I know of some that dog the Watchtower here but will go to meetings and pretend to be one of the loving "friends". There are others that clearly exaggerate who they are, pretending to be beautiful, curvaceous or studly----when in reality----they're not......Can you spot phonies??
Can You See Thru A Phoney Poster?
by minimus 58 Replies latest jw friends
I'm a phony. Most of the time I pretend to be a cantankerous, old fat guy. That is to protect myself from the hoards of hot apostobabes that would surely raise bloody hell in their quest to jump my bones.
Next question: is sounding phoney a form of honesty?
Yep, and it all begins with a red dot.............................
Go spank yourself, "Shania".
Here is a pic of a phoney poster... I bet everyone can see through him:
I know of some that dog the Watchtower here but will go to meetings and pretend to be one of the loving "friends". There are others that clearly exaggerate who they are, pretending to be beautiful, curvaceous or studly----when in reality----they're not......Can you spot phonies??
Why that would be unethical minimus, to misrepresent oneself on the Internet.
Do you actually think some posters here would do such a thing? Oh my! What has the world come to when you can't believe all people say? Especially the "curvaceous" part, I think one would pretend to look like a beautiful country singer when in reality is a very homely woman.
I just assume nothing about anyone till I get their real name, references of mutual acquaintances, talk to them on the phone, etc. etc. Just like in real life???? Till I know them well and long, I ASSUME NOTHING.
Phoneys are usually easy to spot, but the real sociopaths are masters of disguise and deception. Those you trust the most, because of their persuasive words, may be the most dangerous. They are the most extraordinarily clever manipulators imaginable. Beware!
I've been hanging around the board for a few weeks now, before I finally registered yesterday. There are all types here, phonies included. Personally, I can't understand why anyone would want to portray themselves as something other than what they really are. I guess I'm still pretty naive, but I take most everyone at face value. I absolutely hate hypocrisy, but that is sometimes hard to detect on a message board. As far as JWs in "good standing" who frequent this website...more power to them. Maybe something they read or see here will rip those rose-colored glasses from their eyes.