While you and I clearly have different views on 'God, Life and the Universe' I want to say a very sincere and heartfelt 'Thank You' for your thoughtful and sensitive response. Losing faith in God does leave a hole - perhaps because of my upringing. I still miss those moments when I might have said an earnest prayer and truly felt that I was connecting with something Divine.
However as time has passed I have to say that I am happy with my new situation and find that I am more at ease with myself than I have ever been. I have found that I prefer and value reason over belief. That is not to insult anyone or to suggest that all belief is unreasonable but personally I prefer the pursuit of logic, debate and reasoned argument which I feel leads to more sound conclusions more of the time.
Of course, none of this helps my situation with my Mum. There are some things that just cannot be debated to a sensible conclusion... I especially appreciated your closing comments;
Be honest and true to yourself; be present, kind and gentle with your inner feelings; meet with them and befriend them. In doing so, you likely will find clarity, and you will know what to say to your mother.
Once again, than ks JT.
I know you really love her and I think your love for her will find the right words to sayThat really hit the spot - thank you.