Personally I think it's about as useful as a bag full of farts. What do you think?
Anyone here into Fêng Shui?
by nicolaou 27 Replies latest jw friends
Good start to the topic
Complete ignorance.
Good one.
[Nothing to add, just testing how you could've gotten that cool "e" in here]
about as useful as a bag full of farts
don't insult a bag of farts like that!
Feng Shui is how "artsy" people make lots of money off of people with real jobs and too much cash...
Like yoga instructors and doggy & kitty massage boutiques..... (no offense to you yoga people)IMO.
A know some really gullible people who were into a long list of daft beliefs, one after the other for nearly thirty years. This feng shui thing was just one of them.
But now, they're Jehova's Witnesses.
Whilst I think that some of it is bunk, I'd have to ask whether or not you've had much experience of it, before deriding it?
Having seen a few houses, before and after, I'd have to say that I like the result.
Whether the interior designer touts themselves as a "Fêng Shui" or an "Art Deco" expert, to each their own, and you pays your money and takes your choice. -
Feng shui as an art form? No problem. As a science? Bullshit.
The part about not having pointy things in your direction makes sense to me, unless of course, they are youknowhats.
The science of making harmonious living spaces?
Works for me...I don't go for it, personally, but then my taste in decor is rather spartan, anyway.
I don't go for it either, but what annoys me is people who know f**k all about it starting to spout off their drivel about how crap it is. I mean, why can't they get interests of their own? If they (yeah, YOU) don't like Feng friggin shui then don't do it, but if you're gonna deride it then get at least an echo of an argument!