It has been suggested by someone that Genesis says that A&E were neolithic farmers.
They were humans before A&E,but A&E were first to have a soul.
Interesting take on theory of Evolution.
by badboy 18 Replies latest jw experiences
It has been suggested by someone that Genesis says that A&E were neolithic farmers.
They were humans before A&E,but A&E were first to have a soul.
Interesting take on theory of Evolution.
Could you give more detail? Information?
I don't know who suggested that or why it's interesting.....wait do you mean someone suggested there were humans before Adam & Eve? And they were religious?
Tell me more....
I have posted in wrong forum!
In IDEA,the magazine of the Evangical Alliance, it is suggested that the Almighty used evolution as his tool.
It is suggested that the genesis account says that A&E were neolithic farmers.
If I remember correctly, a similar concordist theory (trying to fit a historical reading of Genesis into evolution) has been developed by a_christian on another thread a few months ago.
To be more accurate in terminology; evolution culminated in Homo Sapien Sapien, then God breathed spirit into him and he became "Man".
This would take each of the "creative days" to be "ages" or periods of time, maybe millions of years long.
It has been suggested by someone that Genesis says that A&E were neolithic farmers.
It says nothing of the sort. People who have a need to believe that the Hebrew myth of Adam and Eve is in some sense "real" make claims such as this, but there is no evidence that they ever existed. It's possible to devise many possible interpretations of Genesis (or indeed any myth) that are compatible with reality, but without any evidence to back them up, it seems like a pointless exercise.
The post I was referring to was
(I replied a few posts later).
The troubling thing is that, in years to come, our scientific progress will probably be smiled at as quaint myth...
I still don't get it. Neolithic means Stone Age, right? So why is it news that Adam and Eve were Neolithic?
(Not that I believe Adam and Eve were real.)