Texas doesn't have bigger problems to solve?

by Country Girl 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Texas Lawmakers OK Cheerleading Ban

    By APRIL CASTRO, Associated Press Writer Tue May 3,11:53 PM ET

    AUSTIN, Texas - After an alternately comic and fiery debate ? punctuated by several lawmakers waving pompons ? the state House on Tuesday approved a bill to restrict "overtly sexually suggestive" cheerleading to more ladylike performances. The bill would give the state education commissioner authority to request that school districts review high school performances.

    "Girls can get out and do all of these overly sexually performances and we applaud them and that's not right," said Democratic Rep. Al Edwards, who filed the legislation.

    Edwards argued bawdy performances are a distraction for students resulting in pregnancies, dropouts and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

    Ribald performances are not defined in the bill. "Any adult that's been involved with sex in their lives, they know it when they see it," he said.

    The bill passed on a 65-56 vote. It still must be approved by the Senate and signed by Republican Gov. Rick Perry.

    One critic questioned the legislation's priorities.

    "Have we done anything about stem cell research to help people who are dying and are sick advance their health? No," said Democratic Rep. Senfronia Thompson. "Have we done anything about the mentally ill, school finance or ethics?"

    The American Civil Liberties Union said the measure was unnecessary because state law already prohibits public lewdness by students on or near a school campus.

  • Elsewhere

    I have to admit that the last time I went to a high school football game I was very surprised as just how "suggestive" these teenage girls were dancing.

    I was sitting there thinking: Is this high school or a strip club!?!?!?

    I was also wandering if their parents (especially their fathers) were sitting there watching this happen.

  • Elsewhere

    Oh, and regarding the bigger issues... most Texas politicians think that putting a bible on every students desk will solve every other problem they could possibly ever come across.

  • funkyderek
    Edwards argued bawdy performances are a distraction for students resulting in pregnancies,

    Wow! Those performances must be really bawdy if they can actually result in pregnancy.

  • undercover

    I heard this on the radio this morning. The first words out of my mouth were, well, I won't repeat the first words, but the next line went something like..."They ain't got nuthin' better to worry about than how teenagers dance??" If the girls are too suggestive in their dancing shouldn't this be the school's or parent's place to address it? Why are legislator's getting all in this?

    I read the other day that NC is trying to pass a law that prohibits anyone under the age of twelve from riding an ATV. NC made a law a few years ago that kids have to wear helmets when riding a bicycle if not on parents own property.

    What the hell is going on? I thought we were supposed to the "land of the free and home of the brave". Looks like to me were losing all our freedoms and a bunch of crybabies are afraid we're going to hurt ourselves or hurt someone else's feelings.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    HEHEHEH Derek: That's what I was thinking, too! I've heard of women who say they are so fertile that if a male looks at them they are three months' pregnant, but *this* is ridiculous!

    I agree, Elsewhere, that the performances can be a bit "risque", but legislating it is kind of going to extremes when there already exists a law that prohibits "lewdness" on campuses. Of course, lewdness to one person is prudishness to another.


  • Terry
    Edwards argued bawdy performances are a distraction for students resulting in pregnancies,

    Wow! Those performances must be really bawdy if they can actually result in pregnancy.

    Depends on how close they stand to the bleachers!

    As a father of four daughters I must say there has been a long downhill slide in how girls are treated and expected to behave in the last 35 years.

    The Women's Movement started out with wonderful goals to empower women and give them equality of opportunity. Now, all these years later we have the same old objectification of sexuality. But, this time, it is the girls themselves who say they want the freedom to "express" themselves.

    Is the issue dirty minds see dirt and clean minds see cheer?

    No, this ignores Biology.

    In my teens as a young man I was tortured by my eyes. I wasn't choosing what I was looking at either. The more mental video footage I had to go on the more intense the "condition".

    I'd offer this as advice.

    Until our society offers young people SAFE ways of socializing; the dangers will always consist of leaning over the precipice mocking gravity.

    Biology consists of throwing every cell in a young person' body into the quest for copulation. If this isn't recognised in any premise that purports to solve problems then you'll never get a workable solution to grey areas of behavior.

    When there were chaparones and house parties with parents present things weren't perfect; but, there was a first line of defense against the natural imperatives.

    Sex education in school could be more enlightened too. Honest conversation would be a refreshing beginning. But, religious prudery isn't honest; it is knee-jerk.

    Young people see everywhere the ETHOS of SEXUALITY in advertising, films, tv, music and magazines. There is a messege writ large contained therein.

    Each young person copes the best way they can according to whether they have full knowledge of the range of consequences or whether they simply choose to ignore the effects of causes.

    Somehow I made it into marriage without any sex.(Things didn't change much AFTER marriage:) I don't know whether this was a good thing or not; but, there were no sexually transmitted diseases in me and no unwanted pregnacies to cope with as a result. On the balance; maybe I was lucky. Maybe not. Can't say for certain.


  • Mary

    Elsewhere said: Oh, and regarding the bigger issues... most Texas politicians think that putting a bible on every students desk will solve every other problem they could possibly ever come across.

    That's ridiculous. We all know that what the students need is a copy of Your Youth: Getting the Most Out Of It to solve every problem they'll come across.

  • Bas

    Damn, you Americans are so lucky! we don't have cheerleaders at all in Europe

    Until our society offers young people SAFE ways of socializing

    How about making condoms mandatory for everyone not married?

  • Elsewhere

    What is funny is that if this become law it will most certainly be thrown out by a judge for violating the "free speech" ammendment.

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