Once again people do not want to take on personal responsibility for their actions, or in this case, their in-action. If parents don't want their underage daughters dancing around like strippers, then they need to enforce their parental authority over them and remove them from the cheerleading squad.
Think of it as a modified "leash law". It is your neighbor's responsiblity to keep their pet in their yard and walk them with a leash. But, irresponsible neighbors act irresponsibly. The pets wander all over biting people, barking at kids, chasing cars, pooping in your yard, etc. The leash law steps in to put a stinging consequence at the end of such irresponsibility.
So too with the parent's who don't choose to take responsibility for their offspring's actions. What is the consequence for allowing your child to act like a lapdancer or pimp?
Sometimes people don't think these things through. All actions have a consequence. Weigh the consequence of irresponsibility on the part of parents with results and ask if something can be done as an intervention.
The problem in American Society is that we are split. On one side "Anything Goes" and on the other side you have the "Thought Police" who act as the ethics officers of the universe.
I'd say that sanity is somewhere in the middle. But, when anything is discussed people knee-jerk into the extreme positions and nothing gets done but loud chatter.
Of course, there are always MORE IMPORTANT problems. Always. But, that can't be the means testing of action. Nothing gets down on the extreme ends but mayhem and violence and back-stiffening.
Provocative cheerleeding is merely very bad manners and devalues the humanity of a young girl who has more going for her than the shape of her ass and how much jiggle she can put in her hip thrusts. It has an effect on young women who are trying harder to make something positive out of themselves; it divides them off. Anything that disunites is damaging to society ultimately.
We are all naturally good at dividing up into vociferous groups and pointing fingers. It takes a lot more skill to problem solve and create a safe and ethical social group that wants to be a productive team.