Witch of Endor

by TheListener 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Klaus Vollmer
    Klaus Vollmer

    When I take my German library ( not the WTS one) I can read that the witch was surprised by the approach of the elohim, the god she called up.

    The book declares that it was gods will that an elohim came up and gives talk.

    the witch was very confused as she had not awaited such effort.

    That seems convincing for me. so the option is valid that the approaching elohim came in respect of god to tell Saul taht he is finished.

    and when one son did not fell in the battle - who knows why or if he was really witnessed by Saul.

    The Endor story is much convincing, that Saul got the answer he needed to get because of his bad heart

  • Kilik
  • peacefulpete

    The story is interesting for a number of reasons not ther least of which is how it slipped through the Yahwist editing mill. It most certainly asserts that necromancy was effective, it may also be suggesting that the dead were revered or at least regarded as viable rather than weak and helpless as usually depicted. Considering how nearly all the early Israelite cult has been edited out so as to appear monotheistic from ages past.

  • TheListener

    A discussion I've had with some Jewish friends is that although the OT bible is clear that God doesn't approve of contacting the dead for information, God doesn't say that it is impossible to do so.

    That would fit with this account, which they pointed out to me. It would also fit in with the idea of the transfiguration, although NT.

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