Could not spade a cat while it was preganant because it would effectivly be an abortion.
(If you are wondering, no, he was not interested in accepting any free kittens afterward.)
by love2Bworldly 92 Replies latest jw friends
Could not spade a cat while it was preganant because it would effectivly be an abortion.
(If you are wondering, no, he was not interested in accepting any free kittens afterward.)
Counsled for having in my posesion Poison, Def Leppard and Bon Jovi tapes and listening to a friends Ozzy tape.
When I was young I had quite the growth spurt. They call it precocious puberty. I was huge for an 8 year old and it happened in just a few months. We weren't rich and my poor mom tried to keep up with getting clothes to fit me but alas, I was just growing too much for them. A CO visited and said my knit tank dress (I wore a lot be cause it stretched) was too tight and unbecoming a lady. So I had to throw on of the only few dresses that fit out. I WAS 8, he shouldn't have been lookin anyways.
Wasn't allowed to say God Bless You when someone sneezed.
Wasn't allowed to say Good Luck. I love saying it now.
Seeing anything that is rated PG-13 or R
I too could not have any tees or posters with anything on them because it was Idol worship. I have tons of UNC crap now!!!
Can't Listen To Rap music, how many times were we counseled about that one?
Can't wear baggy jeans, they are indicitave of the Rap Genre
Can't sit beside a single person of the opposite sex at the hall unless you are engaged, because it could cause slanderous talk and stumbling. (I got counseled for this one as did many others in my congregation, I later found out that was just a local thing)
Keep the responses coming--I LOVE IT!!!
I have decided to design my own 'Tract's to discourage would-be JW's. One of my 'Tract's is going to have a list of all these really stupid things you can get in trouble for being a Witness. (Don't know if people will believe it, maybe I should call Ripley's Believe It Or Not?)
Seriously I am compiling information because eventually I am determined to become involved with helping to keep people out of Cults. I really am starting to feel like this will eventually be my agenda or goal, because I have always wanted to do something worthwhile that helps other people. Wish me luck.
Some of these were things counselled for, the others were just a 'good' talking to.
Throwing a 1950's theme party, that played all oldies music and many people afterwards said it was a nice "clean" party.
A friend of mine came to give his first talk ever wearing a brand new purple suit. They didn't let him give a talk for that. I felt so bad for him, his eyes started to fill a little with tears.
Another brother wore an all white suit and was told to change at an assembly hall.
I wore fish net stockings with a long skirt, knee highs. hahahahahaha
My best friend started developing at 13 and an elder went up to her dad (also an elder) and said that she walked to the bathroom on purpose just to show off her breasts in that dress. ( I thought it looked like an old lady dress, I guess you never know what will get those old pervs going) shh don't tell.
People made remarks to my mom for always having a short hair cut.
Laughing during a meeting was as disrespectful as slapping Jesus in the face. ( I couldn't help it, the spring on my pen sprung off and was stuck in the blue haired older sister in front of me and my sister.)
The way I walked was being provocative on purpose to get attention. ( I was 12 years old, at that point I didn't even know what provocative meant nor was I developed enough to even wear a bra.) (The elders saying this were in their 40's, hmmm... guilty thoughts. SICK! )
I was tapped on the shoulder for swinging my legs. ( I was too short for my feet to reach the floor )
I was spending too much time in the bathroom. Hey, when ya gotta go ya gotta go!
At an assembly I was told to go sit down in my seat because I was hanging out in the lobby. (I was sick) So I walked right out the door and spent the rest of the day sleeping in the car. So HA!
I was being disrespectful at an assembly for laughing when my sister caught a tic-tac up her nose from smelling on it to hard. hahahahahahahahahahha
I got a good talking to from a sister when I answered the phone and said 'jehovah' instead of 'hello'. Hey, I was singing.
I know there's more, but after so many 'talks' I stopped counting and remembering. I guess I couldn't do anything right for jehovah! hahahahhahahahahahaha
Oh, wait, MORE.
Having a Pinata at a party. They have since relaxed on that one.
One sister dressed up as Elvis at a party and preformed an Elvis song. She was counsled because FIRST she should be dressing like a Man and two it was IDOL WORSHIP!!!
I am reading these and just shake my head in wonderment of why I stayed in that religion of torture.
I guess the thing that I go back on , the one thing that makes me want to slap the crap out of the elder who was giving me , "loving counsel", was over the proper way to discipline my 2 year old daughter who had ADDH.
This elder would love to discuss her "progress" and suggest better ways to handle things.
I should let her loose on him now , she is 12 yrs old and still to the day has a mind of her own,,,,,,,( Thank Budda God, Allah , or whoever!!!) , she still remembers having to be "perfect" at the KH. I still hate that I was part of trying to make her sit so still.........I am at least grateful that I gave up on it and stayed home, or out in the parking lot with her .
Watching Smurfs because they were demonic.
Watching HeMan and Shera, where did they get their powers? Must have been the deamons.
We were counseled to be careful at yard sales and antique stores because we might buy something that was demonized by a previous owner.
My friend wore a pencil skirt to the meeting. It was well below the knee when standing, but came just above the knee when sitting. She found a note in her bag that read, "Don't you think that skirt is a bit inappropriate?" She never wore that outfit again.
You can't wear anything fashionable, because that is what worldly people wear.
You can't have funky hair, odd colors, mohawks, what not.
My mother and father gave me a strong talking to for my belly ring when they found out I had one. I was 23, and had been married for 4 years.
Playing Postman's Knock when I was 16.
Englishman--please explain Postman's Knock?
Seeking more education after high school; Back in the 80s you were practically marked for going to college. A lot of JWs lie and say that WTS doesn't encourage education and now I see younger JWs going to college now; I guess it is accepted now. I wonder if many JWs are now starting 401Ks but didn't back then.
You HAVE to wear a tie at every meeting (I tried not wearing one a time or two).
Forget having facial hair other than a mustache (can't be used in the cong if you have more facial hair than that) WTF?
NEVER NEVER NEVER be in the presence with someone of the opposite sex when nobody else is around- you know how uncontrolling our sexual urges are when you are alone with a sister. Whatever!