To all you sisters that had been counselled regarding high heels, fish-net stockings, short skirts, halters, great bodies, large racks, errect nipples, and being generally sexy:
Having only been in KHs without all these "worldly" problems, it is difficult for me to understand exactly what you are talking about.
Could you please post photos demonstrating, in excruciating detail, exactly what you you were conselled about; ie pictures of you in high heels, fish-net stockings, short skirts, and halters. Be sure that your great body, large rack, and erect nipples are obviously apparent in the photos.
The other brothers here on the Investigative Committee thank you for your cooperation! :-)
~Quotes, of the "almost perverted enough to be a great elder" class
Compiling List-Trivial Items People Are Counseled Against
by love2Bworldly 92 Replies latest jw friends
Robert K Stock
I was counseled for having a subscription to Natural History magazine. The Elders said that the Awake! magazine had all the articles about science I needed to read.
I was counseled for telling an Elder that Yiddish is a dialect of medeavel German and although it is written with Hebrew letters Yiddish is not Hebrew. The Elder was shaking with rage that I would dare say he was wrong.
A brother I knew in Snyder, Texas called a Circuit Overseer "Daddio" the CO was very angry so the next time around the CO was referred to as "Brother Dad"
Es said,
My brother was goin to loose his privledges coz apparently the suit he was wearing was connected to homosexuals!!!
Geez. Connected how? Dog collars & leashes? Threads tied to their thumbs and sewn into the jacket?
WILL: "Boy, is he cute. And he's wearing Prada shoes! He's gay!"
GRACE: "Straight men wear Prada shoes."
WILL: "Not in New Jersey."
gently feral
Wondering just how a straight jaydub elder gets clued into "gay" fashion. Is that a pot calling the kettle black?
Purchasing 400 tc pillowcases when "the son of man has no place to rest his head". I kid you not.
Nah.... I kid.
Es poor brother was probably wearing a purple suit. We had a brother get counseled for wearing that color suit. His was more Barney Purple, so all of his friends just called him Barney.
We can't forget, Masturbation is the work of the devil and a defilement of the flesh. Check out he YPA book for even more psycho counsel.
6of9 WOW, that is crazy counsel.
Sorry Quotes, we were all so ashamed of our bodies back then we burned or otherwise destroyed any pictures of such defiling attire.
You are right. They do have issues with a sister who has a "body" and you will actually be discriminated against. They think you are trying to be sexy even when you are not. That's too effin' bad as far as I am concerned! I always felt I had to try harder to look modest because of how I was shaped. Whereas some sister built like a beanpole didn't have to try at all. I have gotten into fights over the years about this. Once when I visited a sister congregation there was a certain sister there who had an issue with other attractive sisters because her husband had a straying eye. She once made trouble for another sister who had nice legs. Well, when she saw me she would roll her eyeballs and go tsk (that sound women make with their tongue on the roof of their mouth). I wanted to punch her in the face.
Do I have an attitude about this? You bettcha! -
Star Trek was evil. Not because of the great story lines and extremely low production budget, but because Spock could "mind-meld" which was the same as the sin of divination for which one should be stoned to death, or some such. I explained that Spock was from a planet named Vulcan where the intelligent creatures bleed green blood.
I then asked where Vulcan was, exactly. No answer. I informed them that since Vulcan didn't exist, so far as we know, it was likely that Spock's race also didn't exist. In which case, imaginary Spock's imaginary divination could never be punished by any judgment and was therefore not wrong in the least, because everything wrong will come under judgment.
I love using their own kind of reasoning against them.
OldSoul -
Counselled against watching the show "You can't do that on television" because the green slime looked too much like ecto plasma
LMFAO! I remember that show! I used to watch it all the time. What the hell is ecto-plasma, anyway? hehe
Speaking of Star Trek, I love how the WTS actually printed in a magazine that you shouldn't learn Klingon.
I am speechless at some of this stuff. This is mind-boggling. Thanks for all the great responses and the humor too! My husband who knows nothing about the Witnesses is shaking his head at this stuff, he can't believe it.
Of course you know the answers out of the WBTS would be "well people are just imperfect, the WBTS does not condone such behavior" or whatever to cover up this foolishness. Since there are a lot of JW lurkers out there which includes the GB, you would think they would do more to protect the reputation of the JWs and counsel people against judging their 'brothers', or at least care about the fact that millions of people are having low self-esteem and depression issues. Maybe if they cared more about their so-called flock's well-being, JW's would have more time and energy to preach; they would spend less time either downgrading/berating others, or less energy feeling bad about themselves. Mind you, not that I want others to be converted to this Cult religion.