When I was a teenager I became familiar with Transactional Analysis.
It says we all have life scripts we live by. Here is some information I got from various sites online.
It introduces the idea of a "Life (or Childhood) Script", that is, a story one perceives about ones own life, to answer questions such as "What matters", "How do I get along in life" and "What kind of person am I". This story, TA says, is often stuck to no matter the consequences, to "prove" one is right, even at the cost of pain, compulsion, self-defeating behaviour and other dysfunction. Thus TA offers a theory of a broad range of psychopathology.
Life (or Childhood) Script
Script is a life plan, directed to a pay-off.
Script is decisional and responsive, ie decided upon in childhood in response to perceptions of the world and as a means of living with and making sense of. It is not just thrust upon a person by external forces.
Script is reinforced by parents (or other influential figures and experiences)
Script is for the most part outside awareness
Script is how we navigate and what we look for, the rest of reality is redefined (distorted) to match our filters.
Each culture, country and people in the world has a Mythos, that is, a legend explaining its origins, core beliefs and purpose. According to TA, so do individual people. A person begins writing their own life story (script) very young, as they try to make sense of the world and their place within it. Although it is revised throughout life, the core story is selected and decided upon typically by age 7. As adults it passes out of awareness. A life script might be "to be hurt many times, and suffer and make others feel bad when I die", and could result in a person indeed setting themselves up for this, by adopting behaviours in childhood that produce exactly this effect. Or it could as easily be positive.Life scripts. A large part of your life story unfolds like the script of a drama or play. You are "in script" when your life is mostly under the control of family influences and childhood decisions. The nature of your script, whether positive or negative, depends on the kinds of permissions and prohibitions you received as a child, and the resulting early decisions you made.
People are OK - thus each person has validity, importance, equality of respect.
Everyone (with only few exceptions) has full adult capability to think.
People decide their story and destiny, and this is a decision, it can be changed.
Freedom from historical maladaptations embedded in the childhood script is required, in order to become free of inappropriate unauthentic and displaced emotion which are not a fair and honest reflection of here-and-now life
My life script was taken from a story Snow White and Rose Red. Most peoples scripts are from thier favorite childhood story and then the story and characters are supposed to be played out in thier lives. Think of someone that has Wizard of OZ, or Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs as their favorite story and how they might play that out in their lives.
I have thought alot about the bible.......and how it is a story with a script. Genesis to Revelation. Do we merely have to be destined to play this out, this script in the bible? Is that why so many strive so hard to figure out the future from the bible, so that we(mankind) can play the parts? What if there were never a bible and people did not have to think about these things? Try to figure out the different characters and put people in them.......ie, sheep, goats, FDS, harlot, beast, etc etc etc......
Maybe if the script of the world was totally different.......The bible were a different story altogether, maybe we would not have the world we have today.
What are your thoughts on this? Is there any validity to it? or am I nuts(don't answer that one)