Are't You Sick of This??

by Explorer 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Explorer

    Aren't you sick of being filled with so much hate ? I think HATE is one of the greatest sins. Satan hates Jehovah, and His people. Those who hate others become just like him, even though they might claim to be Christians. Jesus did not hate sinners, He hated sin itself, not people. Ex - JW's and active JW's who hate each other are not following the steps of the Son of God.

    I am an active witness, and find it really sad to read between the lines of ex - JW's all the bitterness for the things they went through, while being members. I can only feel sorry they were not properly taken care of, I am sure Jehovah must feel the same way. However, this favorable situation in front of God's eyes turns back easily once they acummulate hate in their heart, and try to damage those who hurted them.

    I am also sure Jehovah´s heart is toward those in the organization who have learned the difference between the sin and the sinner, and who honestly feel sad when a brother leaves, and hope he comes back some day, no matter how gross his sin might have been, or how badly his case might have been handled. The same way I am sure Jehovah does not aprove anyone of His followers hating an ex - brother, even if this ex - brother now hates him.

    God IS love, and love is forgiveness. Anyone who hasn't yet learned that, hasn't learned anything at all. For all those we must pray, that they might someday become free of the evil infection HATE is, so that their soul may rejoice to the sound of the Good News, and forgiveness might come to their hearts, just as it came to Jesus's heart while He was being sacrificed by His enemies. There is no greater truth than this.



  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    welcome explorer!

    Art is Love is God
    [Wallace Berman]

    peace, mango

    i know the pieces fit because i watched them fall away...

  • Billygoat

    Yes, God is love! That's why I know at some point he will forgive SOME of those in the JW org. I have faith that He will take care of my family who is still stuck in the Tower.


  • JeffT

    I'm saddened by those that are caught in a man-created false religion that is destroying lives and wasting people's faith. I'm here to try to help those that want to escape that religion and its effects.

    More importantly I'm here to bear witness to the real Jesus, the one who loves you unconditionally and died on the cross for you personally. The Jesus that doesn't tell you you have to spend your life jumping through hoops to get saved. The Jesus who stands next to His Father, and when you sin says "I took care of that."

  • Tina

    Hello explorer,
    I don't see this hate between the lines that you do.
    And the people on this board are some of the warmest, helping ,empathic ,clear-headed folks I've ever seen.
    It's very typical of JW's to say ex-Jw's hate. Nothing could be further from the truth.

    You are spouting a well-worn party line often used when JW's can't refute policy and doctrinal issues.

    People come here for many reasons. Mostly to share information. Try to help others make sense of what is essentially nonsense,,,,,share experiences,hang around with friends,etc etc-but I can say,the only hate I've seen on this board comes from the JW's who come here and condemn all of us out of hand.

    What you see as hate I see as REAl love. It takes real love to help total strangers,comfort the depressed,lend an unjudgemental ear,laugh at wts absurdities,expose wts lies,seek justice. Sometimes at the risk of losing family members and loved ones. No the hatred and bitterness you see is merely the shadow of your own projection.

    Everything you've read-you've read thru the WTS filter of (non-reality) try letting go of the pre-conceived labels and wts attitudes towards others. You just may see many posts in a whole different light. regards,Tina

  • dedalus
    God IS love, and love is forgiveness.

    Okay, Explorer. I need you to explain this to me, okay? I really, really want to understand. Will you help me understand?

    Here is a quote from a Watchtower that has made it difficult for me to understand how Jehovah can be a God of love:

    It is a serious time for children as well as adults, because children that do not obey Jehovah will not be among the survivors of that battle. God will not preserve them into his new world merely because they are children .... If you want to obey Jehovah you will engage regularly in the ministerial activities that are arranged by the theocratic organization. -- Watchtower 8/15/62, pp. 494-495.

    This makes me wonder about all of the billions of children whose parents aren't Witnesses, especially ones in countries like India, China, Japan, etc., where Christianity isn't the norm. How can a God of love kill babies? Please help me understand, Explorer.

    I also worry about my grandmother, who is an elderly Catholic. She goes to Mass and participates in the church and volunteers three times a week at a shelter. She's the sweetest person I've ever known, and although my family has given her some Watchtowers, she just won't change. I know she won't survive Armageddon, because the Watchtower says this:

    On Satan’s side will be all the rest of mankind, more than 99.9 percent, even as we read: ‘The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.’ That includes all the governments of the world together with their supporters, the commercial, religious and social institutions. Even the professedly Christian organizations? Yes, because all such that are friends of the world are making themselves enemies of God.” – Watchtower 10/15/58, p. 614-5.

    And my Kingdom Ministry from last year told me this:

    NO: “The masses of people facing annihilation if they fail to respond to the good news include our unbelieving relatives, neighbors, workmates, schoolmates, and acquaintances. -- Kingdom Ministry, September 2000, p. 1.

    So please, Explorer, help me understand how a God who is both love and forgiveness, who is indeed the very personification of these qualities, can kill so many babies, children, and grandmothers?


  • bboyneko

    God is love, thats why he allowed the hollocaust to happen as well as the rwanda attrocities.

    If I knew ahead of time that my son was going to be killed, and not just killed but sadistically tortured, and I allowed it to happen despite my full ability to not only prevent it, but stop the act in progress at any time...and I did NOTHING, what would you think of me? And If My reason for doing so was to prove to my rebellious son that he can't take care of himself but needs my guidance to live properly, what would you think of me? Would you say "Man, that Dan sure loves his family, he not only shows love, he is love.


  • Pathofthorns

    Hello Explorer and Welcome :)

    If a post like that isn't sure to draw responses, I don't know what will.

    Yes, there is a tremendous amount of frustration that goes along with a clearly broken and domineering and injust system. Human nature is to talk about it, just like active Witnesses appear to "hate" things that are to be destroyed at Armageddon by Jehovah.

    Even Jesus appeared to "hate" the religious leaders of God's Organization when he was on earth because these ones treated the "little sheep" with disrespect. Was Jesus' reaction to these ones so wrong?

    But most people here are happy and don't hate Witnesses. They just haven't taken kindly to spiritual abuse. You are right in saying God is love and forgiveness. Two things that most Witnesses are not.

    You have a good heart probably, and if you really are loving and forgiving, then it is only a matter of time before you too find yourself stifled and going against the crowd. It is only a matter of time before you realize things are not the way they are supposed to be.


  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    hmmm. i put a little more thought into your post.


    *Dashed babies to pieces and ripped open pregnant women (Hosea 13:16)

    *Murdered an innocent child for David's adultery (2 Sam. 12:14)

    *Murdered babies because of Pharoah's stubbornness (Exod. 12:29)

    *Said "kill your brother, your friend, and your neighbor" (Exod. 32:27-29)

    *Got angry and ordered Moses to hang people in the sun to appease his wrath (Num. 25:4)

    odd, this does not sound like love to me. although, i could be wrong...

    i know the pieces fit because i watched them fall away...

  • Kaethra

    this quote:

    "The masses of people facing annihilation if they fail to respond to the good news include our unbelieving relatives, neighbors, workmates, schoolmates, and acquaintances. -- Kingdom Ministry, September 2000, p. 1."

    Brings chills to my spine!

    It's hard to believe that I used to actually swallow all of this...and think it perfectly reasonable. I guess it was because we were fed the same sort of line over and over again. So frightening to be that heartless!

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