Attention all you wacky evolutionists!

by AlmostAtheist 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlmostAtheist

    Evolution versus creation has been beat to death lately, this isn't another debate thread. I wanted to showcase a hugely funny site I found when researching creationists' views. Note that I don't believe this site in any way depicts the beliefs of most creationists. Even the Watchtower's most staunch and intellectually dishonest writers wouldn't agree with this outfit. But from a pure entertainment standpoint, you don't want to miss this gem:

    I've pointed you to their page on the "ridiculous concept of the evolution of the eye", under their "wacky evolutionists" page. (Richard Dawkins should be honored to know that he has his very own page, as he is apparently too wacky to appear on the general page) Note that this is only one of many, many pages you can read and enjoy with friends over a cold beverage.

    Here's a taste, captioned "The first eye as postulated by evolutionism. How could it have worked? (Illustration by Peggy Miller) "

    You might think this is a little tongue-in-cheek, but no. They are seriously debunking the idea that the eye could ever have been a half-eye, like this. And they make some really good points about it:

    1. How would this eye be moved in its socket if it wasn't a smooth spherical shape?
    2. What would stop the seepage of light through the top?
    3. How would the lens keep from being deformed if it was not held equally on all sides?
    4. How would the eye jelly have kept from spilling out of the opened bowl of the half-eye?

    I think the "eye jelly" one is the most damning to the evolutionary concept, but I'm sure different facts appeal to different people.

    When you've finally read all the Chick tracts and get that depressed "can it really be over?" feeling, despair not! JesusSave.Us is here to help!


  • seattleniceguy

    Hey Dave,

    It's not often that LOL really and truly means that I laughed out loud, but this sentence did it for me:

    I think the "eye jelly" one is the most damning to the evolutionary concept, but I'm sure different facts appeal to different people.

    Yeah, I was looking at that site earlier, per your post on my evolution thread, and I saw the link to the page featuring views of "those wacky evolutionists," but didn't work up the enthusiasm to go check it out. Thanks for the review.

    The four questions totally reminded me of how Witnesses would construct an entire argument based on an illustration in the Watchtower. I was always struck by a sense of incredible absurdity when people did that. In this case, they are actually constructing an argument based on their own (indescribably) flawed understanding of evolution....amazing.

    Hey - totally random - have you heard the band Cake? They're pretty cool.


  • AlmostAtheist

    When you're starting to think to yourself, "My God, do people really believe this stuff?", that's when you need to view their "Prayerbook". I signed it, thinking I would mention how ludicrous the site is. I was apparently not alone. Not by a LONG shot: (link didn't work, scroll down on the site, click on "view our prayerbook" in the bottom-left corner)

    There seem to be two primary camps. One condemns them for the content of their site, another praises them for what is assumed to be a satirical take on creation. At first I thought I was "had", but after looking it over and even visiting the homepage of one of their staff, I have to believe it's on the up-and-up.

    Cake, eh? I've never heard of them, but I just downloaded "Wheels" and I'm listening to it now. Interesting... Is there any particular song you like?


  • EvilForce

    1/2 an eye?

    I thought it was eye, eyes, and half an eye which got us to 1914.

    With jag bags like this teaching creationism....more power to them.

  • MrsElmo253

    Omg. This site is just irking me to NO end. As a present day anthropologist, reading some of their "Evolution debunked" articles just made me MAD. Thanks for the link.. and the eye thing was funny as further proof of JW circular reasoning.. even so.. this one BUGS me.

    Homo Florensis being PROVEN to be a pigmy homo sapian.. omg! We just found the darn skeleton! Nothing is proven YET.

    I'm SO done with this site.. but thanks for posting it!!


  • seattleniceguy


    I think the songs on the radio that really hooked me were "Short Dress/Long Jacket" and "Never There." I'm in the process of oohing and ahing over their other stuff right now. :-) Caution: Some material may not be suitable for the younger ones in your household.


  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation

    Damn, it looks like the sight has gone. I fancied a good laugh as well. From what's been said about the site maybe jeebus thought it was far fetched and smote them with leprosy and eye jelly warts.

  • Mary

    Oh now come on.....surely you're not tryin' ta say that these eyes came about by accident!

  • AlmostAtheist
    Damn, it looks like the sight has gone. I fancied a good laugh as well.

    Apparently my link to their prayerbook didn't work. You can get there from the site, though. The "view our prayerbook" link is a tiny text link in the lower-lefthand corner.


  • drwtsn32

    Wow... that site is incredible. LMAO! At least and are a LITTLE more reasonable. :)

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