Do J.W.'s still spank their kids in Kingdom Hall libraries to punish them?

by hubert 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hubert

    I've heard a lot on this subject, and was wondering if it's a common practice?

    Can you go to a meeting and almost always see some poor kid getting a walloping in the back room for talking or misbehaving at the meeting?

    Or is this a thing of the past?


  • IP_SEC

    I never see that anymore.

    When I was little it happened a lot, everyone took the kids to the parking lot for a butt bustin. I remember I got one once for allegedly cheating on the written review... like 6 or 7 y/o. lol how stoopid

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    The KH is no place to discipline a child. They say this time and time again at the meetings.

    Of course, there'll always be the idiots that spank their kids at the KH! This is not encouraged by the WBTS.

    Children need to be disciplined at home so that they show good behavior everywhere else, not just at the KH.


  • whyamihere

    Yes they still do.

    Last time I went was the Memorial and some kids was taken in the back to get beat. I was about to stop it until my own child started to cry and I went to comfort him. Also at the end of the meeting a woman (I don't want to call them sisters anymore) came up to me and said that she was glad her son did not cry or misbehave. Then she said it must be from att the spankings he gets in the back.

    So yes in some areas they still beat their children!


  • 95stormfront
    95stormfront still happens.

    The last time I saw it happen was at a JW funeral no less.

  • Jez

    Yup, it happens. This one mother was taking her 2 YEAR OLD to the basement. Carrying it and marching. Right at the door, the mother says, (I heard bec i was sitting at the back) "Stop it, you stop crying or you will get another spanking." I turned around, stared her in the face and shook my head, (like saying no way). She was embarrassed and turned around, went back to her seat.


  • kittyeatzjdubs

    i know it's still common down here in the a matter of fact, at a lot of the jdub baby showes that i attended, it wasn't uncommon for one of the presents to be a wooden spoon to keep in the diaper bag at the meetings....sicksicksick's not natural in the least bit for a 2 year old to sit still and quiet for 2 hours is it?!! DUH! my mom always dissed churches for having daycares saying that the kids were not going to be well trained. least they didn't have marks all up and down their legs and backsides. boo on the jdub moms for embarassing and humiliating their children!

    luv, kitty


    The lobby, the library, the bathroom, the seat ... if the kid needed a whoopin', the kid got a whoopin' ...



  • 144001

    Doubtfully Yours,

    Our congregation did not make the statements you wrote of in your post regarding the kingdumb hall not being the place to discipline kids. Rather, they encouraged and facililitated the abuse of children by allowing parents to use the library to savagely beat their children. In fact, use of the library for this purpose was even suggested during some of our meetings. I als observed elders beating their kids in the hall as well. Your statement that the Watchtower does not encourage this sort of activity is absolutely false. I can remember the numerous talks on "spare the rod, spoil the child." While these talks did not specifically advise the great crowd of pigeons to beat their kids at the hall, they certainly did encourage and in fact advocate the physical abuse of children. I'm sure nobody in Watchtower corporate management was surprised that such beatings were and still continue to occur in kingdumb halls.

  • blondie

    I attended meetings for around 50 years, some as a JW child. I will say that there is less spanking and it is stressed less officially by the WTS. Spanking is illegal in several European countries.

    The last 5 years I attended, I rarely saw anyone spank their child. I don't believe it was more than 4 times.



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