a question from a girl....for guys

by kittyeatzjdubs 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Thegoodgirl


    Though I'm not a guy, thought I'd put my two cents in. I am thinking maybe it is a ring... (maybe that's just how we girls think). Anyway, I really like the idea of waiting it out, like Jared and Evilforce. People always told me I was a very mature 19, 20, 21 year old too, but you still do grow up a lot and learn a lot about people, so if you feel uncomfortable, don't be afraid to tell him you need more time. Maybe bring that up now, instead of the moment he is proposing. Anyway, just had to put that advice in since this is maybe the second most important decision of your life, the first being having left the JWs.


  • Carmel

    Always believed the old addage "puppy love leads to a dogs life". I'll put my bet on flowers and a new radial arm saw!


  • Kaethra

    good gawd...so many red flags... dear girl, you are much too young to think of marrying! I was a mature 19 year old not very long ago, and I cannot tell you how much I've changed in the few years hence...you will too. You're not just young in chronological years, you're young in real world years. You were raised in a cult, and that in itself makes it take so much longer to figure out the real YOU. Please take your time with this decision. You don't have to rush anything anymore remember? You are free!

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Probably a new stove to cook his favorite food; a new mixer to mix his favorite drink; and a new washer to wash his clothes. Harrumph! hehehheh


  • jeanniebeanz
    this is hilarious because i've been doing the same exact thing with my girlfriend just so that she'll be surprised when i give her something else for our anniversary. (video games...shh!...)

    *Thwacks Doogie*

  • Terry

    Jeezus, don't you two talk to each other in English?

    Just talk.

    Say what you think. Use words. Convery your hopes, wishes and desires. Don't play guessing games.



  • eyegirl

    yeah, i'm kinda throwin my hat in the ring too as far as the "you're way to young to get married" issue. i mean seriously, what's the rush?? i thought i was super mature at 20 also (and other told me that as well) and frankly, i've changed ALOT in the past 7 years. it's amazing how life has a way of doing that. as you get older, you learn more about yourself. i'm sure it's tough to stomach it now, but listen to people who have some years of wisdom. that's what i've done. it pays off in the long run. you never get a second chance to be young and single. enjoy it while you can.

  • EvilForce

    I'm of the opinion guys aren't datable until 30 and women 25.

  • ballistic

    When I got married at 20 to an 18 year old Jehovahs Witness, I thought I was super mature in my own brainwashed mind. I kind of went through a second childhood later on in my mid twenties when I discovered real friends and beer. Now at 34 I feel a real basis for being mature, although I miss innocence lost. If people want to get married at 19, I smile knowingly that I once knew innocence and wish them all the best. Maybe it will work out for them.

  • LittleToe

    When us guys want to keep a secret, we'll often throw in some things to throw people off the scent - after all, it's a secret, right?
    It gets us in all sorts of bother with the fairer sex.

    I haven't the faintest idea what he's bought, maybe a house for the pair of you (I take it that the place you stay in is his?)?

    While I generally agree with the ages that EF suggests, I'm not going to offer my opinion on relationship advice. It's not been asked for and it's not my business. I might throw in one of my pet peeves and ask why people insist on using TXT language and a dearth of capitalisation when they have a perfectly adequate keyboard in front of them. Then again, maybe not

    Let us know, will ya? THe suspense is now killing US!

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