Political affiliation after leaving org.

by lucky 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • EvilForce

    Oh, and by the way 67 Iraqis were killed today.

  • donald

    ive been to 5 countries before 9/11....and none since....i have no use for other countries....like france..germany....spain and so forth...that hate the USA...AND yes they do they hated the usa BEFORE bush was pres.....of coures i do like Great britan...and the aussies too......i hate what the left is doing to this country...with gay rights...( if you wish to be gay..so be it...but keep it in the bedroom where it belongs)...trying to take god out of public discorse....and trampling on free speech...aka the ACLU....and its really interesting that you went on to trash bush...before you asked IF i voted for him.........just because i call my self an consertive..does NOT mean ifollow the RNC thought line...so i gues you could call me more of a american trationalist....donald....and again...i will defend to the death your right to say whatever you like.....................Just dont forget to show others the same respect...........................ie..those kids at colleges..that try to stop ann coulter...sean hannity...or any they disagree with from talking....and i wish you and yours the VERY best,,,,donald

  • donald

    yes its sad what al queda is doing over there...donald

  • EvilForce

    Well us gays are doing to this country what those awful blacks did before us...making America a better more tolerant, diverse place. It's called seperation of Church and State.

    My dislike and disgust of Bush have nothing to do with the fact that you voted or did not vote for him. I would never presume to ask you who you voted for Donald. That is your right, and also your right to privacy.

    You have no need for Spain??? They sent troops into Iraq in support. France and Germany do not hate the US. They hate the haughty, demeening attitude we show. "The Our Way or the Highway" works only as long as we are the undisputed superpower of the world. The Roman empire once thought this way I bet.

    So by college kids not wanting certain speakers on thier campus and voting with their protest voice is unAmerican how?

  • donald

    the kids have EVERY RIGHT to protest...its when they try to to HARM to a speaker...if ANY speaker that i disgree with AKA...hillary cliton...Nacey Pollsi...barbra boxer would be in my town to speak and i was ther...i give them the benfit of the doubt...............i feel that anyone should be given the right to speak up..UNLESS his / her speach..is going to do some Phscyial ham (as in inciting a roit)...or down right HURTFUL.....as in the KKK speech in south carolina)......but i should have known better to reason with a lib....for that im sorry...its like trying to reason with a as you call them...a dub...i wont try to do it again...sorry..ill just try to defeat them at the ballot box...take care and may god nless you and yours...donald

  • EvilForce

    Republicans are the greatest den of all scum and villiany in the galaxay (other than tatoween.) ..... This is a quote from my hubby.....

    However Donald you hate the ACLU yet they came to the rescue of Drug Limbaugh....

    With permission from the 4th District Court of Appeal, the ACLU, a liberal advocate of constitutional rights, will file an amicus curiae - or friend of the court - brief to help Limbaugh, who is under investigation in Palm Beach County for alleged drug prescription fraud.

    I doubt it would have worked the other way around, since Drug has railed against the ACLU hundreds of times.

  • Honesty

    Less than a week after DF'ng the apostate GB I registered to vote as a Republicat and started attending the church where I became a member less than a month later.

  • EvilForce

    Try and reason with me? How about present a decent debate? With quotes? Facts? Figures?

  • jeanniebeanz
    Republicans are the greatest den of all scum and villiany in the galaxay

    That's a bit inflated isn't it? I mean, on one hand you want decent debate, then you toss that out there... It makes me doubt your sincerity in calling for real debate when you start throwing insults around... I mean it's one thing to have strong opinions and be passionate about your cause, but quite another to be rude.


  • DanTheMan

    The Republicans have so completely whored themselves out to the fanatical religious elements of this country that I can't understand how *anybody* who has escaped Watchtowerism could possibly support them.

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