In the 1960's we had a spruce tree in town that was the best tree in the whole town. People traveled on dirt roads in dusty jalopies just to see this tree. The tree was located on the lot next to the Kingdom Hall and one day the congregation bought the lot and chopped down the tree to build an addition on to the Hall. The paint was barely dry on the remodeled Hall until the congregation sold it to a competing religion and built a new Hall on a busy city street.
There must be a moral to this story but I can't think of one.
Did U ever wonder - if the end was so close - why were we building Kh's?
by AK - Jeff 33 Replies latest jw experiences
When I was involved in the WT construction work, they explained that these buildings 'could' become central organizing centers to help in rebuilding the new system
If all the "wordly" people were dead after Amaghedon, then wouldn't the W.T. have all the buldings in the world that are left, to use as "central organizing centers", and not need any new buildings?
I know all the churches would have been destroyed wholesale, but not all the world's buildings.
When I first became a witless the local KH was decorated in such a way that it didn't become outdated very neutral colors that aged well. The circuit assembly hall was the same, not exciting, but just fine. Suddenly everybody was all hot to trot about redecorating the circuit assembly hall. They repainted, recarpeted, rebuilt the stage, got new curtains and who knows what else (I'm sure they updated the sound system and anything else they could think of). When they finished it was in shades of teal and mauve, like a giant bedroom. I couldn't understand why they chose such a strange color scheme. I know that only a couple years after I moved, they redid it again. Such a waste.
I moved to CT right about the time the congregation here was deciding about building a new hall. There was quite the debate about it. Older ones really questioned the need for a new hall and were worried about the unnecessary expense of it all. Of course, those voices of common sense and reason were out numbered, and the old hall was sold, land purchased and a quick-build soon set up. All very exciting. The new hall here was again decorated like somebody's boudoir: shades of teal and salmon pink. ...oh, and in the fever to get the building up in three days, corners were cut and mistakes made with the roofing so that there were problems with leaks in the ladies bathroom. There was mildew, ruined drywall and wallpaper falling off in strips. Nice.
They really don't know when the end will be....
More and more, they are lost, and they realize it. 1 day for Jehovah is 1000 years...
In the 1960's we had a spruce tree in town that was the best tree in the whole town. People traveled on dirt roads in dusty jalopies just to see this tree.
Ahhh, rural America...
I am of the class that liked the KingDumb halls that were built in the 70's....before all this quick build b.s.
The quick builds all look like double wide trailer trash. No architechture, no interesting motifs, just plain ugly cracker boxes. With those stupid $ 35 uncomfortable chairs bought from the JW that owns the chair company....what a scam he's got.
I remember refinishing theater seats for our KH in Iowa.... SUPER comfortable..... sure enough 8 years later they ripped them out...cause people would get too comfortable and fall asleep. I guess they never thought maybe it wasn't the chairs but the material presented. -
*** w86 1/1 pp. 25-26 Building for an Eternal Future ***
But why,? someone may ask, ?are there so many expansion projects when we stand face-to-face with Armageddon?? The answer is that Jehovah?s organization does not ?close up shop? with the approach of Armageddon. That is ?closing time? only for Satan?s organization. Jehovah?s organization is building for an eternal future. Whether or not man-made structures weather the storm of Armageddon, we know that God?s organization will survive as a going concern and that Jehovah will use it and those who loyally support it, establishing eternal peace and security in the glorious earthly Paradise of God?s promise.?Revelation 7:9, 14-17; 21:1, 4, 5.
w97 9/15 p. 6 Poor yet Rich?How Can It Be? ***Joan, who lives in Central Africa, is a pioneer. To take care of a paralyzed husband and four other dependents, she sells bread. When the congregation she attends needed benches for the Kingdom Hall, Joan?s family decided to donate all the funds they had in the house. That left them with nothing. The next day, however, someone unexpectedly paid a long-standing debt, giving them money that they had given up hope of ever receiving!
The money they make of the interest of course! duh!
Now about those 40 year shingles...........
I don't think they charge interest any more. I think that went the way of charging for meals, subs, and the publcations.
In recent years, the WTS has not been lending much to congregations in the developed countries, expecting them to save up the money or get loans from conventional banks. I don't know if that is to channel more to the developing countries or that their cash flow has slowed.
I did hear a few JWs express concern about remodeling their own hall when it was still in good shape when congregations in other areas were meeting in a field or a shack. I live in an area where the is a great deal of contact with JWs from Africa and Hispanic countries with little personal funds.
I also have heard JWs in charge express the idea that these buildings would be protected by God through the great tribulation and be used in the new system. I always thought that was a bunch of hooey.
I have never gotten anyone on the RBC to explain who was going to run the waste treatment plants, the electric power plants, the clean water systems, and how God would do that after using natural disasters to kill people. Many of us know what happens to those systems after a tornado/hurricane/earthquake.
I know of congregations that won't even share their surplus funds with a neighborning congregation to build a new KH let alone send money to another country.
Always wondered why the watchtower bought land from Bob Hope in 1974. If Armageddon was coming in 75, why BUY real estate in 74? Why not just wait a few months and then take all you want?