When is the world going to end?

by Davidson_73 51 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Rabbit
    *** km 5/74 p. 3 How Are You Using Your Life? ***

    Yes, since the summer of 1973 there have been new peaks in pioneers every month. Now there are 20,394 regular and special pioneers in the United States, an all-time peak. That is 5,190 more than there were in February 1973! A 34-percent increase! Does that not warm our hearts? Reports are heard of brothers selling their homes and property and planning to finish out the rest of their days in this old system in the pioneer service. Certainly this is a fine way to spend the short time remaining before the wicked world?s end.?1 John 2:17.


    How old are you ? Were you an active JW back then...pre-1975 ? If not, you, like most younger JW's have NO idea of the mood, as well as what everyone 'knew', everyone believed, what ALL the talks were about -- 1975 !!! That was when it was going to happen ! You WELL know how controlling the WTS is...remember...individual congregations were/are closely watched by the elders, circuit & district overseers...who ALL report to the GB.

    YOU KNOW THAT. You also know they would have shut down ANYONE who had the audacity to believe differently than what they teach.

    I was one of those 20,394 Regular Pioneers in the 3.5 years before '75. I KNOW what I was taught to say at the door and what 'wisdom' to encourage others publishers that went to the doors with me. I KNOW what the elders, C.O.'s & D.O.'s TOLD me. Btw, I gave up a college education, my non-jw father saved & worked hard to give me this -- and I refused. You see there was this "urgent life-saving work going on..."

    I hope some day, you'll realize they lied, I believed, too. Now I know better!


  • ellderwho

    Bonnie clyde,

    Its on page 1 of this thread. The 1968 Kingdom Ministry.

  • gumby

    Going along with Rabbits thought ( a tm dub term), I VERY WELL remember the talks by the C.O. in our hall concerning 1975. This particulat C.O. was named Bro. Neil who was serving the Phoenix Az. area just before 1975. This guy actually would hold up his wrist and look at his watch and say..."well we have 226 days 814 hours, and 18 minutes before 6000 years are up of the 7th day and it's 1975"!

    After that bozo's vist was over, another elder in our hall started doing the counting thingy too

    As a side note, it's was intresting to look at a graph of the worldwide field service report just before 1975.... and then the proceeding months after. The graph went nearly straight down after 75 for awhile. Poor dubbies,...no Armageddon, no paradise,....just some cover-up talks saying it was the publishers fault for getting too anxious and over speculating on matters.



  • blondie

    The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle of the End of the World

    On this account YOU too prove yourselves ready, because at an hour that YOU do not think to be it, the Son of man is coming.

    MATTHEW 24:44

    YOU also, keep ready, because at an hour that YOU do not think likely the Son of man is coming."

    LUKE 12:40

  • Truth or Lie
    Truth or Lie
    Keeping in mind that ALL the utterances coming forth from Brooklyn have been taught as truth, and expected to be accepted as such by the JWs. All the proofs mentioned above were all taught as "gospel truth" and each "revision" was see as new light.

    Considering that God hasn't changed, Jesus hasn't changed and most of all---the bible hasn't changed-----we can plainly see that the Watchtower views have changed. What is taught as truth has proven to be in error. Many times.

    As the bible says----no man knows the hour (let alone the year) and frankly, I don't worry about it. Living our lives to the best of our ability and being kind and helpful to others is what Jesus said to do----and should be quite enough to handle without concerning ourselves with the "what-ifs" of foolish old men who prophesy false dates and end times.

    You are correct; the Congregations of Jehovahs Witnesses are not the only True Faith that they claim to be. They are not the only faith that will be allowed to live in the end, as they teach. This was the business portion of the world of Satan. Many teach that they are the true faith in order to gather people that are willing to donate monies to support their division. Why do you need a building as a place of worship? In this wicked world it was better to collect donations for the people in need of financial assistance, then to build a structure for many, which destroys the land and creates commercial wealth for whomever holds the title to the dwelling.

    The governing body taught those of the faith not to war against one another. However, they take it to extreme, where they require the flock to risk their lives by teaching a message that no person wants to hear. It is better to sound out your way of belief in whatever medium reaches the masses, and allow those weak in faith to grasp the teaching at their own will. Jesus Christ instructed his apostles to wipe off their feet in the places that did not accept the teachings, not to tell them they would lose their lives literally. A person gains another's life by teaching them how not to be deceived by this wicked world, and by teaching them how to survive in happiness, built up with wisdom. This was the basis of the teachings of Jesus Christ, which he learned from His Father, Jehovah God.

    Man did not listen to their God Jehovah and created all of the violence in the world. Even Satan did not teach man to kill, but deceived them by having them cling to desires of the flesh, and disobedience. Which would be the wiser choice if your homeland were invaded by another country? Is it better to flee to a safe area, or to stay back and fight for a piece of land? The prophecies warned about the impending danger that was built up by man in the days of the Romans in 70 C.E. This was not caused by Jehovah God, but written in the bible in order to sound warning to the loved ones of Jehovah God. All people upon the earth are the children of their creator Jehovah. The ones in the Middle East chose to fight in retaliation to those that invaded their country unlawfully, as it was not a war authorized by Jehovah God. Jehovah only authorized war in self-defense, and allowed it in disobedience. Mans war is only allowed till the time that Jehovah God is able to take control under the provisions of the "KINGDOM OF JEHOVAH" with Jesus Christ as King.

    This time of joy has now come to the fore and Jesus Christ is knocking at the doors. Are you willing to admit to all truth once it is established? This is the way of a Christian, that they accept truth and disregard that which has been proven to be false. The people in the Middle East are the chosen ones of God by birthright, and are the Holy Ones spoken of in the bible. As long as you have the teaching of love in your heart, share this with others and just instruct them to look out for their Savior Jesus Christ.

  • blondie

    So Truth or Lie, was is your religious past?

    Welcome to JWD.


  • Truth or Lie
    Truth or Lie
    So Truth or Lie, was is your religious past?

    Welcome to JWD.


    I have been a Witness for many years, and thank you for the warm welcome. Many disagree with the teaching and have found error with the so-called doctrines of the Society. If you disagree with their teaching, simply do not attend. Does this mean that you are not found worthy by Jehovah? This would never happen, as Jesus Christ teaches perpetual forgivness for those that are truly repentant. Once you disagree with their teaching does this mean that you just drift back into the harmful ways of the world? I would say not. A person can easliy read the bible on their own and adapt to its teachings, without having to attend a congregational organization. It depends on how much faith you have, and on your willingness to help others. cool photo by the way

  • Dismembered

    That's easy. When hell freezes over.


    "Gimme back my hat, ya punk"

  • gumby
    Are you willing to admit to all truth once it is established? This is the way of a Christian, that they accept truth and disregard that which has been proven to be false.

    What does a christian do if they prove to themselves that christianity is as false as the witnesses?


  • Truth or Lie
    Truth or Lie
    What does a christian do if they prove to themselves that christianity is as false as the witnesses?

    A Christian is one who conforms their life to the teachings of Christ. If you have a meeting of minds with another in like faith and disagree, walk away and do not judge the one you just left. However, never hold back from doing good to that person whenever there is opportunity to do so. In this way you store up treasures in heavens, until He who has the right to Judge does so in righteousness.

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