I was discharged today from the rehab center in the hospital. There were 14 inpatients there and I was the least of their worries. I would take 8-15 10/325 generic Norco (think strong vicodin without too mcuh tylenol) a day and that's it. They had two girls there who would take at least 50 a day. They had one girl who would take 100 a day (these are not typos). One kid was in because he sold every possession he had to buy drugs, would shoot 3 bags a day of heroin, drink alcohol on it, then take 5-6 Ambien. One fellow (who also has AIDS) used needles for H and burned half his nose off smoking crack.
Interestingly there was a girl there who was (sort of) a JW. She was a shooter of H. They had a smoking room open 6 times a day and she smoked with the rest of us. The girl who did 100 pills a day was a witch and she cast a 'feel good' spell on this JW girl and the JW girl told me it made her feel GREAT but she got some guilt from it for displeasing Jehovah. Wild and wacky stuff, I'll tell ya.
I'm glad I went even though my co-pay will be astronomical because they give you pills to dissolve under the tongue that definitely work to take away withdrawal symptoms. It's nearly 2:30 am here now and I still feel OK not having a Norco in 4 days. But my pain has come back with a vengeance, So I have some pain management session already scheduled and I will figure out how to deal with my pain without popping expensive pills that just mask the problem anyway.
So I am far from recovered just yet and I could use your support through this. Thanks to all who have already had kind things to say on the board here, in PM here, in email and also on the phone, :)