Out of rehab

by Cygnus 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • purplesofa

    Nice to hear from you,




    hang in there!

  • devinsmom

    Stay strong, keep your head up, and good luck overcoming it!


  • fairchild

    All my best to you, dear. Doing something about your problems is a very important step. Now that you have taken that step in the right direction, keep walking.. my thoughts are with you as well.

    Hugs from fairchild.

  • Quentin

    I am glad to hear that you are doing much better. I have lived with back pain for years and for the past five years been on a steady diet of soma and vicodin, which do not work now because I have bulit up a tolorance. My doctor has tried other alternatives such a neurotin which made me crazy. My chiropractor finally sent me to the best pain mangement doctor I have ever been to. He did a surgercial procedure which is called a medial branch block and then they go in and fry the ends of the nerves receiving pain. If you have back pain this is a great procedure, I can walk again with out a cane and am pain free and have no need for pills. Ask your doctor to try this on you because from experience physical therapy and epidural shots will not work. This is a day surgery and non-evasive procedure. If I had not done this I was on my way to rehab also. Glad to hear your out and better.

    Renee...Quentin's daughter...who likes JWD

  • NewLight2


    I'm sorry that I missed your other thread saying you were going into rehab. I've been pre-occupied reading web pages about the re-discovery of the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker, so have not been reading JWD much since April 28th.

    Please don't give up - the days in rehab were only the beginning of your battle. It will take TIME to fully recover. Being addicted to pain killers is so hard to break because you will still feel all of that pain that caused your addiction in the first place. Try to find a solution to the pain you are experiencing and all the rest should take care of itself in time.


  • Bryan


    With the new baby in the house, I too missed your other threads. I'm glad you're progressing. Forward as a direction we all should strive for. The speed is not as important as the direction.

    Take care my friend, we are always here for support.


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • Sunspot

    Congratulations on completing your first and major step of recovery! I'm so glad to see your good attitude and how well you've dealt with this, Jason. I'm so proud of you!

    Wishing you continued success and I'm sending much love and support your way......

    hugs always,


  • BrendaCloutier

    Beautiful Cygnus! (Yes I know you're a male...swan)

    I can comprehend the addicition to pain killers especially when there really is pain involved! I have chronic pain myself, both back pain and FibroMyalgia, a pain syndrome. My doc wont prescribe any narcotics or pseudo narcotics, so I buy them in Mexico. I hoard them. I used them only when I really really need to, usually at night, otherwise I run out and don't have them when I really really need them, and we only get to Mexico once a year or two. And I'm easily addicted to them. I get Ultram aka Tramadol.

    (Doc does have me on clonazapam, a diazapam/valium cousin, for restless leg syndrom... also addictive, and my doc watches me very very closely on it.)

    It's really wierd to feel the pain go away, then feel the pain come back seemingly many times stronger and just screeming! Hence the cycle begins again.

    I'm also a recovering alcoholic - 15 years this month.

    Why do I "do it"? I refuse to be a martyr to my pain, and I refuse to be a martyr to recovery. That's my demon.

    You are on a good path. Any time you want you may PM me or email me blcloutier at gmail dot com.



  • Cygnus

    Well it is tough feeling the pain come back (I have a ton of it). Thanks Renee for your advice. I might even try acupuncture. Since I am on Coumadin I am not supposed to take motrin or ibuprofen but if there is NOTHING else my doc can do then I will say look, I will regularly take ibuprofen, you'll just have to adjust my coumadin for it. I also already have an outpatient appointment with a counselor from NA and see my therapist on Tuesday, Not to justify what I was doing but man, how do you take a HUNDRED of those pills a day? And I didn't tell you about one guy. He would shoot 3 bags of heroin, then eat the gel out of two morphine patches, then drink a 12 pack, then take 5 Ambien. How he's still alive I have no idea.

    Edited to add: Brenda, I tried buy 10/325 Norcos from Mexico but he kept sending me 10/650s. Then I bought 1000 2mg tablets of straight hydro, no tylenol, from China and they were good. But that was last year. March 24 I got a letter from US Customs saying the DEA had intercepted a package deliverable to me from China with a controlled substance in it and they said they could just destroy it and I wouldn't be held accountable but the next time it would be a felony. Well I didn't order from overseas so I don't know if the guy in China mailed them to me by accident or what, so I said YES PLEASE just destroy them. The DEA has become VERY strict about overseas narcotic drugs,

  • Markfromcali

    Speaking of acupuncture, they have these little patch 'needles' with a dull point that you can wear on your ear, it's basicaly like a little piece of bandage with a piece of metal on the point, and you can wear it and stimulate the point yourself. I've had it before (though not for rehab) but it does make you feel better, the experience was quite euphoric. I would imagine for rehab purposes (which is what they are generally used for) it can effectively balance things out.

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