Examples of JW evasiveness/dishonesty

by BONEZZ 53 Replies latest jw friends


    Sith...you just triggered another one I remember. If we are created in God's image and He and Jesus are our perfect examples to imitate..."Why is He allowing His children (us) to suffer so much, just to make a point to Satan and some angels?" Wouldn't we get in trouble if we allowed our children to suffer just to prove a point to our neighbors? And we're not even into the morality, or lack of, of the whole thing. Lemme get this straight...Angel named Lucifer goes bad...think I'll teach him a lesson by letting some little peons suffer. Logic goes out the window with the WTBS. Oops..just remembered it's Mom's Day..gotta go.


  • DannyHaszard

    Simple,bold faced lying about anything and everything.They are psychopath's from the get-go, when they ain't bald faced lying they are into the evasive mealy mouthing innuendo.

    This is what turned me away.How could they be the 'truth' when they lie so much you just never know when their telling the truth.

    Examples are countless viz,when they engage me in secular forum debates the first thing they do is deny they are Jehovah's Witnesses then get foul mouth.It is really UNCANNY (demonic) with them, in the devils confabulation with Eve in the very first 'mealy mouthing' satan spoke 54 words only 5 were lies 'You positively will not die'. Devil 4

    It's about the same ratio with the dubies.

    Example:Watchtower calls their protocol of lying,"theocratic warfare".

    Moonies call their protocol of lying,"heavenly deception",reverend moon sez;"because satan lies to God's children it's o-kay for God's children to lie to satan's children

    How this rings and resonates,when i learned this about the moonie cult it blew me away.

  • Sith

    The Watchtower Society has set itself up on the pedistal of "Truth"...the one and only true religion, and God's channel for education and salvation. The "Truth" should be able to withstand all attacks and answer all questions with complete satisfaction. In fact, the more questions that are asked, the more apparant the "Truth" will be and the brighter it's light will shine. One lie, one falsehood, and it loses ALL credibiliy. Just one lie, and you can never believe ANYTHING they say. They did it to themselves.

  • DannyHaszard

    Rat Rat em out....

    More on Governing Body: Theocratic Warfare Protocol:

    "While malicious lying is definitely condemned in the Bible,

    this does not mean that a person is under obligation

    to divulge truthful information to people who are not entitled to it." -

    ( quote-Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 2-- Watchtower training manual

    There is a saying in politics at election time,"it's the ECONOMY stupid!

    In religion it's all the lies people,they are just like the moonies and the other destructive cults aren't they?

  • ChrisVance

    sunspot, starting over, I no longer believe there is a god, and when I reflect on such reasoning it only reinforces my disbelief. Some years before I departed from the dubs, when they still had "special events," some big cheese from bethel gave a talk on how much jesus suffered immediately before and during his supposed impalement or crucifiction (sp?). He went over every detail, on and on and on. I think it was a period of 24 hours. I couldn't help but think of the German witnesses who had endured months if not years of suffering, but because they weren't perfect their suffering didn't count. BS Of course, there are numerous other examples of people suffering for the borg, such as those who refuse blood, Malawi, etc.

  • Soledad
    I had asked an elder why the Memorial was celebrated "until his arrival when we were taught that he had already "arrived"? His answer was that this meant after he had taken full Kingdom power after the earth had been cleansed.

    OMG I used to ask the same question time and time again. The answer that I got was similar to yours, which then only prompted me to ask about 1914. It was like the more non-answers I got the more questions I would have.

  • Rod P
    Rod P


    You have asked one of those imponderable questions about God that theologians of all religions have been debating for centuries, and not just JW's.

    We are talking about the "Foreknowledge" of God. If God is all powerful, and knows the beginning from the finale, does this mean that God caused it all to happen? Or does it mean that God would let everything happen, but because He is God, He would simply be able to predict from His Perfect Foreknowledge that such and such "Will Happen".

    To use a crude analogy, if you saw your small child playing with matches, you would pretty well have the foreknowledge that your child would burn himself/herself if he/she lit them and put their fingers in the flame. This does not mean you forced your child to play with matches, just that, knowing your child, if there were matches there, he/she would be naturally curious enough to play with them, and from there you could see the consequences, while your child could not.

    God knows all of us and the entire Universe infinitely more, since He created it all. Therefore he would know and see much deeper and farther than any of us mere mortals. But this does not prove that God caused us to behave a certain way; just that He would know that we would act a certain way, which would produce the natural consequences, which He would also know.

    On the other hand, if God created us with the Nature that we have, and we do bad things or make bad or dangerous choices, does that not make God responsible for everything that happens in the Universe? If we weren't the way we were, then we wouldn't choose the way we do, and so the consequences would be different.

    Rod P.

  • Honesty
    They say Christ has no power of his own, but that Satan is very powerful. How do they answer this?

    Satan is their God so he can do more, do more, do more.

  • kilroy2

    Rod, I have asked this question since the late 70's, I put a little different spin on it , my question was if we are just [and I use the societies analogy,] like a fan with our soul the electricity when the electricity is gone the fan stops, then when we die we are gone, and when we are resurrected, we are nothing more than stepford wives, it is not us, It may be a good copy, a perfect copy, but a copy nonthe less.

    If there is nothing that goes on, that makes us unique, then we are just computers with arms that have certain programs, and god is just a big computer geek that when we burn up, he gets a new model and programs it with our memories. but it is not us. not the us that was, just a copy.

    I could never get an answer to this, and it was a question that bothered me, so god is telling us [according to the dubdom] that if we give up our lives now, we can have our memories put into another mackintosh? Some how that does not make me feel comfortable.

  • Rod P
    Rod P

    Right on, Kilroy 2! You got it, exactly. The truth is, the WBTS has it all wrong when it comes to their version of the Soul Doctrine. They point to thousands of verses that show the soul to be nothing more than a human being that gets hungry, hurt captured, dies, etc. None of these have anything to do with explaining what is a Soul or Spirit. There are scriptures, however, that provide strong evidence that we live on after we die- There is continuity of existence, and therefore, life after death. This is not the thread to debate this subject at length, but we do have a spirit that is inside our bodies, and when we die, our spirit leaves the body and goes somewhere else. It does not cease to exist. We are mortal, which simply means we are subject to death. That does not mean we go out of existence.

    If when we die, we go out of existence, then why should we care if we make it into the New World? You're not going to know anyway, since you no longer exist when you die. However, your clone will wake up in the New World, and I guess God will just have to tell it/him/her that they are what some other guy that lived some time in the past. What kind of convoluted logic is that?

    Rod P.

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