One stumper for me is, how could this man known as "Jesus" be said to exist before his birth? He said he was around before Abraham. How could he really say that? If God had a son named Michael, the Archangel, how was this guy the same person as the Jesus the human? This Archangel supposedly willed himself out of existence, while at the same time God through the holy spirit conceived a baby on earth. What was the point of that? What exactly tied those two entities together? The baby was simply a baby with "super DNA" or something, making him perfect. Was this fetus or baby the same person as Michael? How? Why didn't God just create a new perfect human without having his son wiped out?
Examples of JW evasiveness/dishonesty
by BONEZZ 53 Replies latest jw friends
Why are the Beroeans always credited with making sure of things by thoroughly examining the scriptures but when a JW wants to make sure of things he/she risks being disfellowshipped?
zen nudist
oh I forgot a good one....
how can you be lead by God's spirit, yet NOT inspired [spirit'ed]
Excellent thread subject Bonezz.... and great comments from all.
Sadly, I was so brain washed/dead that I thought of only a very few of the points raised here, and then would dismiss my "doubts", thinking I was becoming dangerously close to being "disloyal". And yet, I never thought of myself as letting others do my thinking, etc. That thought would be the furthest from my mind, ditto if someone like you Bonezz had asked me some of the take would have been that YOU lacked a "spritual perspective", when the reality was that I was being swept along by the biggest con job to come way since birth....
--Dan -
Dansk...good to hear from you. Yeah you can check things as long as you use their materials and once you get dunked you're not allowed to have questions anymore. You have joined Zombie-Ville. Check your brain at the door. My Super-Dub wife was always on my case to get baptized. I would tell her that I would get in trouble if I asked questions after being which she would reply..."Well have all your questions answered before you get baptized." Like even if they could give you good answers to your satisfaction, you're never supposed to have any questions again? Get real!
Zen...It's like TinkerBells fairy dust. It only works when you see it working!? Actually TinkerBell has a better track record than the F&DS.
M.J. ... God has obviously never heard of the K.I.S.S rule.
DannyBoy...I knew you when you were Brother Superdub...yeah maybe that was you that told me I just wasn't ready for the spiritual gifts "J" had for me. It's funny how the WTBS muddys the water when they can't give a logical answer...But they ridicule other religions who give the ol' "God works in mysterious ways" answer. They also like to turn it around and tell you that your lack of spirituality is causing you to come up with these questions. Of course maybe that rodent on your head was affecting your advice to me too.
I like your expression "non-answer" because I use it myself. They are the masters of the non-answer and to put a further twist on the non-answer they will say that they don't have to answer someone who doesn't have the "right attitude" (whatever that means). -
7 For he who has died has been acquitted from [his] sin.
Good question related to this. I think the position is that everyone pays for their own personal sins through their own death, but Christ died for Adam's original sin, which wins back the right to gain regain perfection and live in a paradise earth. So according to this doctrine, Christ did not die for our personal sins, which is a contradiction to a number of scriptures. It also raises another question: what about the people that survive the Big A and never die? How are their personal sins paid for?
LongHairGirl...maybe we should equate them with politicians, both masters at giving non-answers. And thanks, I forgot how they throw around the 'Attitude" word. "You don't have the right attitude." "You don't have a spiritual attitude." " Your attitude is lacking maturity." These are all used if you wear the wrong color of shirt, buy a two door car, grow a beard, wear too short of dress, ask the wrong questions and a plethora of others.
Someone said that they got a reply that we as people are too puny-brained to understand all these details about God and his master plan, or something to that effect. At the same time, however, the WTS presumes to know a heck of a lot about God and his master plan that leaves you scratching your head how they could be so sure about it, having such puny brains and all. Like he chooses to know only certain details about the future. How do they presume to know that? Because that's the explanation that fits into their admittedly puny-brained reasoning.