I mean no disrespect, and I certainly do not want to trample your "pearls" into the mud.
And the last thing on my mind is to blaspheme God or to glorify Satan.
What I am getting at is that IMO, JW's in general, all too often attribute certain experiences to be of the Devil, and they also attribute certain events in their lives as being evidence for Divine Intervention, when neither one is necessarily the case. There could be some very natural explanations for what happened.
Too many times people put God, or conversely, the Devil, where He/he is not, when this has little to do with it. This, we should guard against. All too many times events have occurred in history that were based on, or attributed to, something that was neither supernatural nor miraculous, or evil and Satanic, when the Truth was, they were not (eg. the Salem Witch Trials). There is a grave lesson to be learned here.
I think there are a lot of religions out there who prey (not "pray") on the masses, the superstitious, and the gullible, by playing the "God" or "Satan" card to control them. That is so wrong!
That is the implicit point of my question on this thread, without taking anything away from God.
Rod P.