Question on WT and Rape...Help Please..

by gsark 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • gsark

    A quick note first to say thank you to everyone on this board for the months of support and friendship, and for putting up with all of my ranting/raving postings. I am in your debt always.

    I apologize in advance for the length of this post, and for the depressing subject.

    Situation I was raped in 1989, and because I did not resist my attacker (and lived) I was df'd in view of the WT position at the time.

    This is the History of the WT view toward rape as far as I could find it.

    WT 1-15-64 scream
    WT 6-1-68 scream
    Aid to Bible Understanding, 1969, 1971 don't scream
    Awake! 3-8-74 scream
    Awake! 7-8-80 don't scream
    WT 10-15-80 scream
    WT 3-15-83 don't scream
    Awake! 2-22-84 scream
    Awake! 6-8-84 don't scream and scream
    Awake! 5-22-86 scream
    Insight on the Scriptures, 1988 don't scream
    Awake! 3-8-93 don't scream

    As you can see, my assault in 1989 placed me right in between 'screaming' in 1986 and 'not screaming' in 1993. (I guess the Insight book was ignored by my elders, oh WELL that's so NEW) I thought by 1999 things had settled once and for all, for crying out loud. Because I have one child still 'in' the org, I sought reinstatement, and the elders said "fine, just come to meetings and all will be forgotten."

    Well I wasn?t ready to "forget" and so just simply didn?t attend meetings regularly. I was aware also that the WT has a poor history of accepting back new-light/old-light disenfranchised ones such as myself. Better for them if people like me just stay out.

    Last night I did research, and found this;

    WT 12/15/98 This exemplifies that when it comes to money and material things, victims of robbery who do not resist may reduce the likelihood of injury.

    And a footnote; There are, of course, limits to cooperation. Jehovah's servants do not cooperate in any way that violates God's law. For example, a Christian would not willingly submit to rape.

    translation: scream!

    I had wondered why the elders hadn't called at my home at all in over two years in spite of some meeting attendance, now I know why. Since I had objected to the Society's stance at my df'ing hearing, that makes me (this year SO FAR) at the least an unrepentant fornicator and at most a quasi/fullblown apostate.

    My WT CD-ROM only goes to 1999, does anyone know if this is the newest present 'light' or have there been more changes even yet? Because if this is the latest WT stance, I?m going to sit through meetings for 6 months to a year for NOTHING. I wouldn't be reinstated untill the policy changes again, if even then. Any insights would be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance, Gsark

    Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!

  • larc


    I am sorry to hear of your trauma. I am so sorry to hear how your "loving brothers" further increased that trauma by the way they treated you. Everytime I think I have heard it all, I hear another tragedy. I just sat here and shoot my head when I read your list of vacillations on this subject.

    Thank you for sharing your research with us. It is one more example of their total lack of inspiration that we can show the true believers. It does not take an apostate book to destroy their system. Their own words to it for them.

  • larc

    I meant to write "shook my head", not "shoot my head."

  • Quester


    I know someone in a similar situation and it has caused
    an enormous amount of damage--emotionally, spiritually, etc.


    Geez, jw's should get a clue.

    I will do some checking on wt policy for you.
    If I find anything I will post it "Attn: gsark"

    I don't think I could go back to a place that had
    judged me wrong for something that was not my fault.

    I'm so sorry about what happened.
    And hope you have found safe supportive places
    to heal those wounds.


  • BoozeRunner

    larc....THANK GOODNESS!!


  • MacHislopp

    Hello Gsark,

    I'm sorry to hear what happened!
    This trauma wasn't certainly softened by the attitude
    of those"...loving, kind and concerning brothers.."!

    I do hope that you have someone near to comfort and
    help - beside Jesus Christ -.

    Btw, the latest WTS CD'r avalaible is the 1999 edition.

    Continue to be courageous, and receive a kind thought
    together with my greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • Frenchy

    Question: When is willing submission rape?
    By definition when a person is raped, it's against their will, isn't it? It could be by force or threat of force by a danger real or perceived, but nonetheless it is an act performed against one's will or else it's not rape.

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • Frenchy

    I, too, am sorry to hear about what happened to you. I took the time to look up the following information. It should be helpful to you in your plea for re-instatement. I would bring the article to the elders and ask them to read it again.

    Quote from Awake 1993 3/8 p.5 The Reality of Rape
    Fact: Rape by definition takes place when force or the threat of force is used to gain sexual penetration, of any kind whatsoever, against a person’s will. It is the rapist’s use of force against an unwilling victim that makes him a rapist. Thus, a rape victim is not guilty of fornication. Like an incest victim, she may be forced to submit to an act she doesn’t want because of the perceived power held over her by another person. When a woman is forced to submit to a rapist out of terror or disorientation, it does not mean that she consents to the act. Consent is based on choice without threat and is active, not passive.

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • reagan_oconnor

    gsark: (((hugs))) I'm so saddened to hear what you've suffered.... first at the hands of a rapist, and second at the hands of your elders.

    My God, what are these people doing???

    I can't offer any information, but I wanted to express this to you.


    I am the master of my fate/I am the captain of my soul.

  • think41self

    Hi Gsark,

    I just saw this and had to respond! First I am SO sorry you suffered such a horrible assault against your person. I wish I could personally emasculate the perpetrator. Second, I am SO sorry the assault was then repeated by the STUPID, INEPT, INSENSITIVE, HARD-HEARTED excuses for MEN who were in your congregation. These are not real men, any of them. I would personally take great pleasure in telling them all what I think of them and give them some suggestions for future sex practices of their own, Gsark. Care to share their names and congregations with me?

    I am so glad you've found this board, and I am very glad that you feel support and friendship from us. Please let us know how things are going for you...and if there is anything we could do further to help you.


    "When agnostics die, do they go to the great perhaps"?

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