In Leviticus 11:6, it tells us that the rabbit chews the cud. They don't chew the cud.
In Leviticus 11:20 it tells us that insect walk on four leggs. They don't......they have 6 leggs.
Why the problem?
The footnote commentary for the NIV says the rabbit was probably confused with cud chewing animals "because of the way it chews."
As for the insects, it say that ...."perhaps the Jews didn't count the hind leggs used for jumping".
I can swallow the last one.....but if god really inspired the bible ....or inspired men to write it......then how could Moses be so off base in commanding his people not to eat rabbits because they chew their cud but do not have a split hoof and is therefore unclean to an Israelite? It wasn't a little slip on Moses part was it? Wasn't it was a direct command from god to Moses as to dietary restrictions?