Wherever the JW's claim to be at the forefront, there is somebody else doing it better.
The JW's claim that they have evidence of Jehovah's blessing because of their growth.
In their talks, they unfailingly forget to mention other denominations and churches that are growing.
http://www.adherents.com/rel_USA.htmlThe JW's claim that they are the only ones preaching God?s word (door-to-door) in the world today. I am sure they would like to forget about the Mormons. The Mormons also have higher growth numbers than the JW's.
The JW's also fail to mention that many churches are actively seeking out the lost. They are conducting research, polling new members, and finding innovative solutions. Admittedly, they use different methods of outreach than the JW's.
The JW's are very proud of their literature distribution numbers.
http://www.jw-media.org/newsroom/index.htm?content=growth.htmTheir primary journal, The Watchtower, has an international circulation of 25,203,000, in 147 languages. It has the largest circulation of any religious journal and is by far the world's most widely translated magazine.
The Gideons beat them out in sheer volume, and they stick to bible distribution.
The Gideons International is placing and distributing more than 59,000,000 Scriptures worldwide. To God be the glory! This averages one million copies of the Word of God placed every seven days, or 112 per minute!
The JW's claim that they alone have the moral high ground on purity.
Their claim is based on the high percentage of members who are removed from the congregation every year. A typical talk then runs through a list of recent scandal in other churches.
What they forget to mention that any sign of internal corruption (i.e. www.silentlambs.org is quickly swept under the carpet. They should be learning from the example of the Catholic church, which is paying dearly for doing just that.
They also neglect to mention movements like ?True Love Waits? where teenagers are vowing celibacy before marriage. http://www.lifeway.com/tlw/
Youth are signing online to provide 24-7 prayer around the world.
The JW's claim they are closest to first-century practice, because of their witnessing, their gathering together to worship, and their elimination of "pagan" Trinitarian practices.
What they fail to tell the congregation is that literature distribution, purpose-built meeting places, door-to-door style witnessing, and centralized governance were unknown in the early church. Also, the JW's fail to mention that early Christians were ahead of their time for providing equality for women and children. Before the Christians, women were property. Somehow, women's equality has stalled in the Watchtower Society.
literature distribution
- the printing press had not yet been invented. Paul?s letters were hand-delivered and read to an audience that was mostly illiterate.
purpose-built meeting places
- Christians preached in village squares, and met at the synagogue and each other?s homes
- In Middle-eastern cultures, strangers did not visit other households uninvited. What the disciples did was go from town to town and house to house. That is, they would start preaching in the village square, and when invited, go and eat at a local?s home. As there were no purpose-built meeting places at that time, interested villagers would gather at the host?s house to hear what the preacher had to say. Remember, there were no modern methods of communication.
Home churches are an attempt to follow first-century practice of governance, far closer than the Jehovah's Witnesses.
Cell churches also imitate first-century practice of governance. The cell churches are also a fast-growing group, far outstripping the JW's steady 2% growth.