Big stuff coming up. I need some people to prohpesize on what might happen. My wife has been studying with the dubs for more than a year now. In a couple of weeks she will be done with the second book. I guess usually this leads shortly to baptism. My wife has no intention of being baptised, she has had doubts about the wts all along and through our research together she is almost completely convinced that they are full of crap. Problem is that her mother has custody of her 2 kids and wont let her see them unless she is progressing in the truth. So my wife has to keep playing along until her mother gives the kids back, but what are the dubs going to do when shes done her study but doesnt want to get baptised? She just got on the school last week, and has never done field service, so she is definetly going slow. So, can anyone give me a prophecy of whats gonna happen? You can even say that your prophecies are from Jehovah, just dont say they are inspired, in case they dont happen. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!
I need a prophecy!!!!!!!!!!!
by gringojj 13 Replies latest jw experiences
No prophecy, just a little advice:
Problem is that her mother has custody of her 2 kids and wont let her see them unless she is progressing in the truth.
I would immediately sue for custody using the court system. Drop the study and false pretense.
I assume there is drama regarding your wife, since grandmother has the kids. Does this have any bearing on the case?
I agree with E-man, 100%
Yeah long story but we dont want to go throught the courts to get the kids back we just want her to give them back to us we arent completely ready to take them back yet they are best off where they are right now . We just need about 6 more months then we will get them back and she can cut ties with the wts.
Has anyone ever been through this where its time to get baptised and they said they werent ready?
Has anyone ever been through this where its time to get baptised and they said they werent ready?
Yeah, my hubby did this in 1973. He began to study a year after I was baptized because (I found out later) he wanted to be a "complete" family once again. It had nothing to do with "love of the truth (tm).He was on the Ministry school (HATED it) and the whole ball of wax. We travelled to Pittsburgh for the DC and he went as far as the stairs going up to Three Rivers Stadium----and said he couldn't go through with it.
When we got back to MA, where we lived at that time, all the friends thought he had gotten was pretty awful. They dropped us like we had the Plague---me included! I was upset with him, annoyed at the "friends", and life at our house was pretty rotten!
He never did anything---going to the KH or pursuing baptism any more.
I guess that your wife could play the game about pretending to become a JW, and then dropping it in six months. If it doesn't matter to her anyway, it won't bother her when all those "friends" won't be able to speak to her, as soon as she stops attending meetings etc.
YOU know you're circumstances and the complications better than any of US do, and this may be the only "way out" for getting the little ones back.
I wish you good luck.
I know more about this than I want to.
If you need to establish the ability to have custody with the court than you have an uphill battle.
But one thing a judge/social worker dies not want to hear is that grandma is holding the kids for ransom over religion. A sure mark against grandma.
Of course your wife can live the lie to grandma, but what happens in six months when your wife stops going to meetings?
Remember Grandma is religiously convinced that the kids will die at God's hand if they aren't JW's. Do you really think she will let well enough alone at that point? Expect her to make any kind of stink she can to get the kid's back - again.
You are already behind the 8-ball. Work to win court/social worker approval and play nice with grandma. But don't expect 6 months of meetings to get you anywhere.
Your wife's kids are currently being indoctrinated and your wife is only confirming to the kids that this BS is alright.
Wow. Well to me it was at least a releif that this was not yet another "my spouse has been brainwashed and will get dunked next week" threads. Could be worse! You'll get through it. Just play it smart. Sorry I can't offer any help.
gringojj- maybe I don't understand what you are looking for??? But from the sounds of your thread, your wife is very close to being baptised.
If you are looking for ways to procrastinate and play out this procedure, just so that you can get the kids and avoid the whole court thing! Here is my thoughts....
She will probably need to go out in service before getting baptised. She could always cry, lie and deny the day of the baptism. Tell everyone that she is 'really, really, really sick'???? haaa Then she might have to wait until the next assembly to be baptized. Just throwing out some ideas.
(I have to agree with the other posts made before me, stop the studying, go throught the courts to fight for the kids. But that is just my opinion)
You are already behind the 8-ball. Work to win court/social worker approval and play nice with grandma. But don't expect 6 months of meetings to get you anywhere.
Your wife's kids are currently being indoctrinated and your wife is only confirming to the kids that this BS is alright
This is certainly another way to look at it. The whole thing, either way, is scarey. You seem to have a far better handle on this dilemma and have given good advice.
I've never been through anything like this, and was thinking with my heart when I posted. (not that you aren't) Having kids held as a ransom just frosted my butt. The fact that it was by a JW made this even worse. But whatever it takes to get the kids back and that wasn't illegal, was where I was aiming!