If God's original plan was to have just one husband and wife and not many wives or concubines, why did he "allow" it? This never made any sense to me. Solomon was "allowed" to have innumerable women. David, Abraham, and many others had Jehovah's blessing.
What's Jehovah's View on Having More Than One Wife???
by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends
They just said it was from God for they could have threesomes!
God knows its a bad idea,one woman is enough!
Sorry,I'm in a mood this morn!
Minimus, I am now a full believer in the trinity, and once in a while worship at the shrine of "3". ;)
i think that whatever is acceptable at the time is what's acceptable to jehovah.
even 150 years ago it was not "proper" to be seen walking alone with someone of the opposite sex that was not your spouse (this would've no doubt been a reprovable offense had the JWs been around in their current form back then) and married people often (usually?) slept in seperate bedrooms (or at least seperate beds). nowadays, its ok to walk around with someone of the opposite sex but many feel its immoral to have casual sex with many anonymous partners. who knows, maybe in a couble of years, oral sex will be the new handshake... i read somewhere that in psalms and kings (solomon and david), when it says that someone "knelt down and did an act of obiesence" (sp?) to the king, this may have had...ahem...references to phallic worship. apparently that was acceptable to jehovah as well (if true, of course).
apparently many things were appropriate back then that are not now. jehovah appears to be a pretty hip fella. he keeps in step with the times.
I have told you several times Mini...I WILL NOT MARRY YOU!
Unless the first wife does all the cleaning, and I get a big ring.
Doogie, I never heard of the kneeling down thing but very interesting.
NPY, I just want you as a concubine.
Doogie, I never heard of the kneeling down thing but very interesting.
yeah, try reading any of those scriptures now without a completely different visual... i think i read it in Joseph Wheless, Is It God's Word.
I guess David and Jonathan were hot for each other. And Jesus must've been gay or at least bi.
I guess David and Jonathan were hot for each other
his love was sweeter than a woman...