All I can say, Gary, is if the WTS owned the 2 congregations/KHs on the 2 recent occasions I mentioned above, then the sale of the assets the WTS wanted would have happened. What did happen was nothing. The congregation that holds the territory on which the building sits still has those assets and has not sold them because the corporate officers/elders don't want to. The assets if sold revert to the corporation not to any individuals in the congregation nor the corporate officers. I am surprised that the WTS did not remove those elders and replace them with more cooperative ones. It has something to say about the influence of those elders perhaps.
I still maintain that legally, the WTS does not hold title deed and only if the individual congregation is dissolved do the assets revert to them as the parent corporation.
In the end, it remains that if you donate to a non-profit corporation, that those assets become the property of that corporation and you the donator do not become a shareholder in the non-profit corporation.
I have seen the WTS step in and dissolve congregations in the blink of an eye. So I know that the real power lies in the WTS. If a congregation were to go rogue now, the WTS would do just that, dissolve the congregation and the assets would revert to the WTS.
So, what I see in summary is this:
Individuals in the congregation do not own the assets, building, property, etc. They have donated to a non-profit corporation that uses those assets according to the laws of non-profit corporations. They do not become shareholders in a corporation expecting to receive a portion of the proceeds if those assets are disposed of.
The elders/corporate officers do not own either being able to profit individually from their group actions.
The WTS does not have direct control over the assets until the dissolution of the non-profit corporation which reverts to them in their role as another non-profit corporation.
What I do see is the mind control the WTS exercises over most JWs. Disobeying the WTS is the same as disobeying God.
Perhaps the problem lies in my use of the word, ownership. No individuals own anything. All properties, monies, etc., revert to a impersonal entity, no individuals or group of individuals.