Thank you Carmel. That is exactly what my husband said, forget the inheritance and go on with my life. The assisted care facility that my daughter put him in is in the territory that we live in, and she expects that I take him to meetings. However, let me add that Dad is age 92, very easily influenced, and forgetful sometimes. I could probably fight it in court on the grounds of undue inflluence. But I don't want to take my own daughter to court so my only recourse is to get over it. It is hard, though, as I am nearing retirement age and will probably have to keep working a long time now.
My father told me that my daughter believed my husband and I had helped one of her brothers financially when he bought his home. She couldn't believe that he had done so well on his own, and she was ticked that we hadn't helped her out when she was getting a divorce. The truth is we never helped her brother, he made it on his own by being smart which she had not done and now she is trying to catch up. Her husband also insinuated to my father that when I was POA that it looked like I may have used some of Dad's funds to help my husband buy a new truck which he wondered how we could afford since my husband is disabled. I told my Dad that couldn't be further from the truth. My father did admit to me that he might have made a mistake but doesn't want to do anything about it now.
Dad only goes to the meeting on Sunday because he is very lame, and can't walk, only transfer. He doesn't even expect to go to the other meetings. This morning when I picked him up, he didn't remember what day it was. Guess I could have gotten out of it, but for some reason took him anyway. I might take him to some more meetings, but not every week. I would much rather visit him daily and read to him.