Thanks for the input and let me first of all clarify that I certainly don't believe in the doctrines of the WTS -AK Jeff- instead when I was talking about spirituality I was referring to the general human need for a religious dimension in life.
The idea of organisation goes very much against the grain of perhaps all ex JWs after the grief they got from the WTS as an organised religion, and so it was with me. Perhaps you are right, human nature being what it is, something can start with good intentions and then one or other Joseph Rutherford sooner or later comes along and ruins everything. It would take genuine founders with eternal life and with the direct backing of a few legions of God's own angels to keep things straight on course in the long term.
However some loose non centralised organisation with a strict charter of conduct keeping in check those holding a limited and democratically controlled authority may be a safe game. And if bad comes to worse then the charter can include a clause whereby an organisation that is going rampant becoming unruly and obnoxious to its members will be dissolved and its assets shared out to the poor.
What is unruly and obnoxious must be carefully and concisely defined and should include things like claiming a unique superior status a la FDS, seeking to control people's lives or to punish them for so called violations of a spiritual code, suppressing freedom of speech, imposing demands of any kind, or attempting to intimidate or frighten in any way as by using religious elements and rhetoric, discouraging them from using their own critical faculties.
People should operate in a voluntary way and absolutely uncoerced. No one demands anything from anyone. Here only suggestions can be made without a will to impose. It's the antithesis of the justly hated WTS.
These are some ideas anyway, if it doesn't work then perhaps we can think of a basic structure to help more effectively those leaving the org to stand on their feet. Perhaps build a few centres of spiritual detoxification so that people can see something tangible outside the borg, that visible something in itself helps.
The point is that something organised can, if not hijacked by self seeking malicious individuals, work far more efficiently.