A decent and viable substitute for the WTS

by greendawn 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • greendawn

    Let's suppose that a large number of ex JWs decided to get together and set up a new religious entity to provide any spiritual benefits, that were provided by the WTS but as we all know in an exploitative and destructive way.
    In a devious way much bitterness was added to whatever benefit they gave.

    What would your suggestions be in the way of forming such an entity? I would for example want it to be totally democratic with no centralised power and accountable to its members for its actions. Also to be a lot more charitable and generally to be what the WTS should be but is not.

  • lilbit

    you lookin to start a new religion Greendawn?


  • Euphemism

    I know you're just speaking hypotheticals, greendawn, but personally, I don't even like to go down that route. There are already plenty of religions out there; IMHO, the most important thing for a JW who's leaving is to find their own path.

  • ezekiel3

    Spirituality is from God

    Religion is from Humans

  • Fatfreek

    I suspect most charismatic folks, CT Russell included, began with similar intentions. Then, human nature takes over . Charisma (see also Jim Jones) breeds subsequent power, then adulation of the leader(s) from the close and priviledged associates, finally from the masses. We can all follow the evolutionary trail by reading snippets from the WT publications over the last 125 years. As for myself, I want no part of it.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    I'm with Ezekiel3 and Fatfreek - from humble beginnings, just see what results. From what I understand, the WTBTS is buying more property than they need (I'm sure someone has the amount at hand). And yet, I am aware of JW criticising Christendom for its great wealth.

    Christendom?s clergymen have considered themselves to be God?s special representatives toward the people and, hence, entitled to the treatment of a privileged class, exempt from duties and responsibilities to which the rest of the population may be subject. Contrary to Jesus? admonition not to take to themselves such titles as "Rabbi," "Leader" and "Father," they regard it as their right to be addressed as "Father," "Reverend" and the like. (Matt. 23:8-10) The religious systems of Christendom have constructed magnificent buildings throughout the earth. They have also amassed great wealth in other forms. In many lands, these vast holdings are, by reason of their claimed sacred status, exempt from the assessments and taxes imposed upon businesses in general.(WT 1975)

    The words 'POT' and 'KETTLE' spring to mind.

    Jesus commanded his followers: "Stop storing up for yourselves treasures upon the earth, where moth and rust consume, and where thieves break in and steal." (Matthew 6:19)

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Greendawn -

    Have to agree with the above posters on this one. FF hit the nail on the head; human nature would destroy all good intentions with time.

    Are you looking to fill a void that is left after the WTS? I think all of us might have had that thought early in the process of healing. I know I did. Do you think that the WTS had an accurate doctrinal position? I did too on some things at first.

    Point is - it takes a while [about 18 months for me] to get your head out of the 'box' that we were programmed to think inside of as watchtower slaves. The nature of God, the need for 'accurate knowledge and truth', holidays, entertainment, association, the meaning of 'service to God', the need to judge and label everyone in some way. All these things were WTS tools to make leaving and staying out nearly impossible for some. I know it held me captive for 40 years.

    Rather than the appeal to a new religion, I am attracted by the idea of house churches to some extent, and a serious focus on the Bible itself. But even there, it can deviate into manmade thinking and that nearly always leads to oppression of some sort, or manipulation into a mold.

    There is a lot of religion out there if you feel a need to fill the formal religious gaps. A lot of what the WTS offered was pleasant to the eyes and senses, it seemed like the 'truth'. But it was all smoke and mirrors I fear.


  • Narkissos

    To whom do I send my DA letter?

  • El blanko
    El blanko
    Rather than the appeal to a new religion, I am attracted by the idea of house churches to some extent, and a serious focus on the Bible itself. But even there, it can deviate into manmade thinking and that nearly always leads to oppression of some sort, or manipulation into a mold.

    Yep - I like the idea of small groups in houses (minus the book study ritual !!!!)

    The religion of taking personal responsibility for ones actions appeals to me.

  • AlanF

    Greendawn said:

    : What would your suggestions be in the way of forming such an entity?


    I agree with FatFreak -- no matter the good intentions of the founders, organizations inevitably go bad by becoming more interested in preserving themselves than in the original goals. See the article "Imprisoned Ideas" for an excellent exposition on this:



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