Service Meeting Week Starting May 16, 2005

by TheListener 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • TheListener

    Song 201

    10 min: Local Announcements. Remind all that the schedule and questions for the book study considration of Keep on the Watch! can be found in teh April 2005 Our Kingdom Ministry, page 6.

    15 min: "Family Schedule - Family Field Service."* Invice audience to comment on the benefits of regularly working together in teh ministry as a family.

    20 min: "Conducting Progressive Bible Studies - Part 9." * When discussing paragraph 2, highlight one or two points from the December 2004 Our Kingdom Ministry, page 8. Include a brief demonstration of a Bible study. After having completed lesson 2 in the Require brochure, the study conductor asks the student: "How would you explain to a friend what God's name is?" The student explains how he would use Psalm 83:18, after which the study conductor commends him.

    Song 134 and concluding prayer

    * Limit introductory comments to less than a minute, and follow iwth a question-and-answer discussion.

    -----Wow, the 20 minute part on bible studies is really spelled out. They even have to remind dubs to commend our students. We must be a bunch of mean bast@#$%ds when we conduct studies.

    By the way the Feb. 2005 publisher total for the U.S. is : 984,747 with 1,441 baptized.

  • BluesBrother

    Nothing much has changed then, since I stopped going on a Thursday and conducting those God awful items

  • blondie
    Invice audience to comment on the benefits of regularly working together in teh ministry as a family.

    The biggest offenders are the elders who run off in a car group consisting of other elders, or them and the MS and leaving the women alone with the children.

    after which the study conductor commends him.

    They learn from the elders; when was the last time you heard a book study or WT conductor really commend someone? Hmmmm


  • blondie

    km 5/97 p. 1 Conducting Progressive Home Bible Studies ***

    it is necessary to train your students to prepare for the study.

    explain and demonstrate how this is done (done by whom?)

    Show them your personal study copy of the Knowledge book (just the first chapter is underlined)

    Help the students to find the key words or phrases that directly answer the printed question and then underline or highlight them (in the WT publications not the Bible)

    Some publishers have even given their students a highlighting marker (engraved!!)

    Encourage them to look up all the scriptures as they prepare for the study (how many JWs do this?)

    A good teacher will draw out the student and not talk too much himself.

    He avoids becoming sidetracked on minor points (if student asks question answered in chapter 16 and you are on chapter 2, make them wait.)

    Rarely would he bring in outside material. (Outside material actually means other WT publications!!)

    Further, interested ones will receive additional detailed information through attending congregation meetings. (yes, tell them you won?t answer the question unless they come to the KH)

    It may not be necessary to look up all the cited scriptures in the lesson (then why put them in; window dressing?)

    Some main points might be explained from the quoted texts in the paragraph (teach them early that the WT publication is more important than the Bible)

    highlight the key scriptures that were discussed and encourage the student to remember these (make sure they don?t learn to read the context or get confused by other scriptures in the Bible)

  • minimus

    Ohhhhhhhhh I am sooooooooooo happy I'm out.

  • kittyeatzjdubs
    By the way the Feb. 2005 publisher total for the U.S. is : 984,747 with 1,441 baptized.

    FDS must be worried about this one. Sure, they have almost a million recorded members...but how many are actually active out of that number?....and with only 1,441 many out of that number are active?....

    it reminds me of a looney tunes cartoon that i saw once when i was little. Sylvester the cat was hanging off the edge of a building by one hand. Tweety came up and slowly started lifting his fingers one by one singing, This lil' piggy went to market...., until he only had one finger left. and it's pretty obvious what happened after that.

    so i guess it won't be long until the FDS goes .....wee wee wee all the way home...

    luv, kitty

  • TheListener

    Repitition for emphasis.

    I wonder what it means that this has been a nine part series so far in the KMs. I can't remember any KM series lasting 9 issues. I wonder what the total number of parts in the series will be.

    My guess is that at the 2006 conventions we'll get a "how to conduct progressive studies" book released. Then we can study how to study at the study. :) :)

  • xjwms

    Am I wrong? ........or is it ok to say, .... I am glad I don't go, because I can't. I just can't

    I used to do parts like this.

  • TheListener

    xjwms, you are not wrong and it is ok to say that you don't want to go.

    But, brother, tell us what's wrong and we'll help you. We're here to look out for your spirituality. Have you done something wrong that's damaging your relationship with Jehovah? If so, come to us and we'll help you figure it out.

  • xjwms

    TheListener: OMG just the way you worded that gave me a chill.

    Nothing to figure out! Damaged relationship with Jehovah? I don't think so. More like a damaged relationship with the watchtower.

    I am ready to tell any elder who was hunting me down, that, if I have a choice to live in paradise with them, or death, .... I choose death. I will place responsibility on them 100% as an accounting. Then ask the right question, ... gonna leave me alone now?

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