diss-ass myself 2 years ago... new to this site

by PaulJ 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunspot

    Welcome Paul!

    I still believe what JWs believe and im not seeking an alternative religion or anything like that. i left cos i had issues with elders (like most ppl i guess its a long story!)

    I don't understand this. Maybe you could explain.

    If you still believe that the WTS has the "truth"....then why would you choose to leave "Jehovah's Organization" because of the imperfections of some elders? I would never have turned my back on my religion because of "man" had done. Don't you think that God sees all and would have taken care of the problem???


  • PaulJ

    good question. i was married for 6 years to a witness girl and the marriage was crumbling. She was cheating on me, smoking, getting drunk etc... all while i stayed at home and looked after the kids. we were having problems and we were both aware of it. we seemed to have different wavelengths, she left me to work, cook, clean, look after the children etc all the time... a lot of this time i also worked 12 hours a day. between us we begged and pleaded with the PO for a shepherding visit and for help, we werent getting to any meeting or on the ministry. in the end i couldnt take anymore of her crap and left. we were never given any help from the elders.

    a few months later a work colleague (non-witness) and i 'fell' for one another. in my mind my options were simple. i diss-assd myself, divorced my wife (who soon after left the 'truth' as well) ending up with a drug dealer boyfriend. soon after this i married the girl i fell for and we are happy as can be. i beleive the 'truth' but i dont want the lifestyle. i feel let down by the elders but wanted to make changes in my life they would not like... divorce and re-marriage. i feel ive let jehovah down, but have never ruled out going back...

  • love2Bworldly

    Welcome PaulJ. Whatever your future decisions will be, you may consider spending some time researching the history of the WBTS and why so many people are leaving it. Then you can make an informed decision as to whether or not you wish to have future involvement with that organization.

  • iggy_the_fish

    Yes, take some time and do a little reading around, on this site, other excellent sites and the various pieces of literature you'll see mentioned from time to time. Relax! You have plenty of time, because, and please be assured of this, the end is not comming any time soon or even any time at all.

    The things we were all told, they were in fact total bollocks, 100% bullshit and pure uncut codswallop. Take all the time you need to research the truth about the truth - and that truth will truly set you free. That's just my opinion obviously, but doing your own reading and thinking is one of the greatest and simplest pleasures I know of.

    You obviously have a brain in your head, so give it some exercise and do some reading around. It's good honest clean fun!


  • Sunspot

    Thank you for your honest answer Paul. I can agree 100% about the absence of help where the elders are concerned. Actually, they seem to "stop by" long after a problem has arisen, mostly the lack of meeting attendance.

    i feel ive let jehovah down, but have never ruled out going back...

    You have NOT let Jehovah down. The WTS has let its members down. Jehovah never said that we were to attend five meetings a week, and every assembly and special assembly day and every time a district convention was scheduled! The WTS has set up all these.

    Jesus never commanded these either, nor did he even suggest that you must turn in yor time slip each month. Again, the WTS expects this. I could list hundreds of non-essential (to God) dictates from the WTS that were never in the bible----yet we accepted these without question.

    The Watchtower Society claims to have a pipeline to God and that he is directing the organization from above. There IS NO PROOF of this---and "claiming" it doesn't make it so.

    They claim that Jesus has already come and inspected them and found them worthy. Can they PROVE this---or is it a deliberate lie to their believers to gain more believers who preach this?

    With the vault full of lies, changed doctrines that were taught as truth and then changed, prophecies that were never fulfilled, lives that were ruined due to misinformation........do you really think that God would have even a nodding relationship with this fraudulent and unchristian group?

    God WILL wipe them off his shoe when it comes to their being judged. He is warning us NOW to get OUT of her. The WTS does not represent God and never has. They represent a publishing company---which of course, they are!

    My first post to you was just trying to get an idea of where you were coming from" and not criticism. I appreciate that you answered so quickly and didn't take offense at what I said.

    Contrary to what you've been told, you do not need any "organization" to worship God. Don't feel as if you've betrayed him any more! I'd be willing to say that he's glad you are out of the WTS, and free to worship him without their interference!

    We (as JWs) were constantly told that God is looking for ones to worship him in spirit and truth. The WTS did not TEACH truth, therefore does not please God.


  • pisces

    Hi Paul. There are many British people here. I have both UK and US citizenship. I live in America, but my heart is in England. Anyhow, I'm glad you came to this site and I know you will find support here.

  • Abaddon

    Paul, start reading.

    You've been out 2 years, life has been hard, AND you are still a believer.

    You need to move onwards; WHY did you have problmes with the Elders? WHY would God allow an imperfect man-made organsiation come between him and people who believed, by putting people off through the behaviour of those supposed to guide and council?

    I don't know what ideas you have about god, but I'm pretty sure my ideas of god don't include one who lets janitors in cheap suits come between him and his faithful! LOL

    So, either Jehovah has very funny ways of doing things, or maybe the ideas about god you were taught, even though well intentioned, are actually just some people's ideas about god but nothing to do with god, really. There may be people with better ideas about god out there.

    However, you may still believ that you should not read material that contradicts or opposes JW doctrine.

    To that I say one thing; truth need not hide. If your beliefs are 'the truth', they will stand up to investigation.

  • Sunspot
    but I'm pretty sure my ideas of god don't include one who lets janitors in cheap suits come between him and his faithful! LOL

  • sf

    Welcome a-board Paul.

    You said:

    this is the first time i have looked up ex-witnesses on the internet

    Most excellent! What else did the evil, deceptive, apostate-filled GOOGLE SEARCH ENGINE bring up? [ I'm kidding of course...June, 2005 KM states to beware of googling, it is filled with mainly apostate sites and pages and could cause demonic hallucinations ]


    And now a word to TED JARACZ:

    Another internet searcher of truth. Doesn't google just bite the big one Theodore? And this is just the beginning of the shift of momentum in the people, even YOUR PEOPLE, that are hungry for answers and truth about the WatchTower Org/ jw 'sect-cult'. In yahoo, so-called loyal, dedicated/ baptized jws sit and associate among such apostates all the while I bring up websites/ pages and GOOGLE SEARCH HITS ON 'ALL THINGS WATCHTOWER'. Searching = discovering and uncovering. And the absolute best part? YOU CAN'T STOP ANY OF IT. (Oh, yet I'd sure welcome you to try)

    Of course, you can do some very simple 'weeding out'. I've shared a few of these simple procedures with a few others. And when I call New York this week, I'll share them with the service department. I'll make sure they take notes. LOLOLOLOL!!

    Unless you pull in the reigns regarding the use of the internet and the (fabricated, embellished) dangers you illude to, to each of your "flock", the momentum can only go one way. How will you deal with all the questions and the momentum of anger of those certain members who will indeed "stumble upon" "TheRealTruthAboutWatchTowerJWs" by googling and associating with exjws, dissassociate, inactive, ex elders, ex ms, etc.? They will soon began to see that their family too, was destroyed by insane policies written by insane men based on insane doctrines from an insane "newly twisted translation".

    Now, take THAT to the breakfast meeting brother.

    sKally, googlicious Klass

  • HadEnuf

    Welcome PaulJ!

    i had issues with elders

    I think that those who also "had issues with elders" are a very large group here. May your posts be many and your problems be few!

    Cathy L.

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