This is the story. I have been operating a pay-day loan business for almost 2 years now. I started out in business with a brother who passed away almost a year ago. Those of you that do not know what a pay-day loan is let me explain; people mostly poor people who cannot get credit anywhere else come to my type of business and borrow anywhere from $100.00 to $1000.00 till there next pay day. We have a fee that we charge that is $30.00 per every $100.00 that they borrow. If they cannot afford to pay it back on there next pay-day they can pay a re-newal fee that is the $30.00 per $100.00, however that does not come off of the money that they borrowed. Most clients pay that fee for three or four months on a bi-weekly agreement before they pay it off.
Well when my partner died I had to come up with a pretty good lump sum to satisfy his estate. To make a long story short business was good and I needed more funds so I found a company that would fund me for a % of the fees. I met with these people only one time and we came up with an agreement that suited us all. I was to retain 40% of the fees that would be paid to me bi-weekly and I was to report to there operations manager daily, that which I did. Well this O/M had me fed-ex her blank checks on a monthly baises so she could pay the other partys involved, well after doing business for about nine months the two partners showed up at my office claiming they had never received one dime from the operation and was not aware I was sending there O/M checks and they want to know where all the money is.
This O/M had me send the security dogle off of the back of my PC when she found out they were coming to my office, this device when removed prevents me from getting in to any of my customer files, she also logged on to PC anywhere and deleted all the files so there are no records to show payment history etc.
This same O/M approved for me to write myself a check on the company account for $10,000.00 to be paid back over one year in which they say they had no knowledge.
These two partners claim they never received any money from there investment while the O/M claims they received monthly checks.
Someone is lying here and I have been thrown in the middle of it.
I am considering closing down and fowarding all my active paper files to them and letting them figure it out themselves. They have known there O/M for over ten years now and me for only 9 months.
Any advice on this matter would be appreciated. I allways here if you hire an attorney before the fact it looks like guilt.
Please respond. Thanks.
PS: they have removed me as a signer on the account o I cannot obtain any records to help myself. All the statements whent to O/M