by Big Jim 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Jim
    Big Jim

    I did not sign blank checks. I sent them checks and evidently the O/M either forged my signature are one of the other signers on the account. I would have never sent signed checks.

    And also this is not to bad of a service if someone will borrow once and then come back in after two weeks and pay it off.

    A lot of my clients when getting the money either are due to getting there lights turned off, need grocerys for there family etc. And some come in to borrow money to go gambling,emergency trips. No one else will help them.
    You would be surprised at the amount of people that never pay back a red cent, actually about 30% and I have never went after someone in court when they stiffed me. I just take the loss.

    To be quite honest with you when I got in the business I never dreamed that people would pay that fee for 2-3-4-5-6 momths etc. and get stuck like they would.

    And also I never really felt real good about the business because of the high rates but was sort of talked in to it by my ex-partner.

    When I was loaning out my own money I would let folks off after there 4th payment, however when I had investors they would not allow that at all, they would only let a client off the hook after there 12th payment. They also would not go after bad debt customers so I would actually tell customers not to keep paying because I knew that.

    Anyways I have decided that today Sunday I am closing this place down I am fed up with the whole mess and I am through with it.

    They can do what they have to do and i am doing what I have to do. I am sending them there files (active files) and they can sort it all out for themselves.

    Cheers to you all !!!

  • Kent
    Those of you that do not know what a pay-day loan is let me explain; people mostly poor people who cannot get credit anywhere else come to my type of business and borrow anywhere from $100.00 to $1000.00 till there next pay day. We have a fee that we charge that is $30.00 per every $100.00 that they borrow.

    Who did you work for - the Mob? This business is what I would call loan-sharks. Loans-sharks should really go to jail, so I'm afraid I can't really grow any real pity for you being framed here.

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between God and Adolf Hitler is that God is more proficient at genocide."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • logical

    For once I find myself agreeing with Kent.

  • Big Jim
    Big Jim

    Logical & Kent

    You are both being a little to judgemental on me. This is a perfectly legal business in Texas and I ran it accordingly.

    I let many people off the hook and never got paid at all by some clients. The fact that it seems to be somewhat predatory towards the poor is true, however let us pretend for a minute you are getting your utilities turned off and no bank no body will help you out, well we would. Most of these folks have very bad credit and are a very high risk to loan to so you have to charge enough to off set the bad apples.

    I ran a very legitamate business and the fact that I was screwed over by my lenders; which actually I was a sub-agent for there company does not give you the right to say that I deserve it. I have done nothing criminal.

    Your Post Was Very Out Of Line.

    Best Regards.

  • ChuckD

    Perhaps this is more in line:

    Main Entry: usu·ry
    Pronunciation: 'yü-zh&-rE, 'yüzh-rE
    Function: noun
    Inflected Form(s): plural -ries
    Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin usuria, alteration of Latin usura, from usus, past participle of uti to use
    Date: 14th century
    1 archaic : INTEREST
    2 : the lending of money with an interest charge for its use; especially : the lending of money at exorbitant interest rates

    If someone is in danger of having their utilities turned off, they are far better off arrainging for a payment plan than turning to such a scheme.

    In fact, I don't really believe you actually did this for two reasons; one, no one would pay 30%/week interest - even a loan shark would give better rates than that, and the newspaper accounts of the practive mention a far lower rate. Second, I could not imaging you doing this and then coming here looking for any sympathy. The post reeks of a troll, and is completely out of context.

  • logical

    Sorry Jim

    I have no sympathy for someone who robs from the poor for a living then moans when they get ripped off.

    The way I see it is you have tasted what its like, now, learn from it, quit the business and find something more suitable.

    Just out of interest, what happens to those who default? Do they get beat up? Shot?

  • Big Jim
    Big Jim

    The rate for your info was $30.00 per $100.00 bi weekly. And that is the going rate here.

    I dont care if believe me are not, I have never even seen you on this board before.

    Why would I make up such a story?

    Get A Life Bud?

  • SlayerLayer

    Honestly, I've used these services before. It was only when I had no other options and I knew that I could pay it back the next week. I would never have borrowed the money if I thought that it would take me a long time to repay. The service helped me when I needed it.

    I don't feel sorry at all for the folks that get "taken advantage of". They know what they are getting into when they sign the paper. It's not like they don't know the terms of the loan.


  • Kent

    Hi Big Jim;

    You are both being a little to judgemental on me. This is a perfectly legal business in Texas and I ran it accordingly.

    When I read it now, I see there should be some aditions. I know the business is legal, and people that can't get loans anywhere are big risc. Therefore, more of these don't pay - and someone else has to pay for the losses. I agree to that. But interest rates this high is close to organized crime!

    The fact that you've been framed is a criminal act from your employer - no matter what I think about 30% a month interest. Therefore you should get a lawyer - and a real tough one as well.

    I never intended to say you did anything illigal - I just think it's absolutely sickening to hear about people needing 100 dollars for food have to pay some damned loan-sharks 30% a mont interest.

    In Norway that isn't legal - and the ones doing such things ARE criminals by law as well. And honestly, it should be illigal in the US as well!

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between God and Adolf Hitler is that God is more proficient at genocide."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • ChuckD

    "Get a life"? Oh please, I am sure you can come up with a more scathing reply than that hackneyed old chestnut. That's a response more worthy of the likes of Fred Hall, but coming from him it would have even MORE grammatical errors.

    The bottom line is that however legal it may be, the business practice you describe stinks. Once you were willing to take part in it you also assumed the inherent risks.

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