The context of Acts was how to not offend the Jewish Christians. read it for yourself. It opens with Phrarisee Christians objecting nad ends with saying that a few very offensive items be avoided because 'Moses was still being read" in the synagoges. Furthur the real meaning of the expressions are likely to specific cultic sacrifices and rites to a Roman deity.
Do not eat blood nor pork
by Bryan 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Christians objecting nad ends
A reference to pornea perhaps?
The WTS teaches that Acts 15 brings in what part of the Law Christians are still required to follow, just the prinicples you know.
That was meant to deal with the issue of circumcision, whether Christians were required to get circumcised. Supposedly they weren't but
Nevertheless, not even Titus, who was with me, was compelled to be circumcised, although he was a Greek. GALATIANS 2:3Timothy
*** it-1 p. 470 Circumcision ***
Paul circumcised Timothy shortly after the decree was issued, not as a matter of faith, but to avoid prejudicing Jews to whom they were going to preach. (Ac 16:1-3; 1Co 9:20)
New Worldly Translation
After reading a bit about the pagan origins of christianity I believe the blood reference could be to distance the christians from Mithraism, Attis, Adonysus & Horus worship which were forbears of christian doctrine. In all those religions blood (bull and lamb) was used in certain ceremonial rites including baptism and also in eating the flesh and blood of the animal in praise of that god. Interestingly the christians kept a lot of the essence of the pagan rites - 'washed in the blood of the lamb' and the eucharist or last supper where bread substitutes flesh and wine blood in praise of jesus.
If you don't eat yer meat, you can't 'ave any blood pudding! ;-)
Oh no, blood pudding is my absolute favorite. Even when I dutifully swallowed every word out of the GB's mouth, I still secretly thought that they seemed to apply some scriptures and ignore others. Is that just me? Some of the JWs around here love to hunt during hunting season, although I remember a JW telling me once that hunting is wrong. A (female) JW friend's non-JW husband is a deer hunter. She told me many times that she would never be able to carry a gun and still think she was doing God's will. She changed her mind after a deer came and ate her whole garden two summers ago. That fall she didn't have veggies, but she did have venison, shot with her own gun.
"But that we write unto them, that they abstain from ..............things strangled, and from blood."
In Western Society, animals are slaughtered in different ways, and I always thought it was forbidden to eat anything that had been strangled - so to stay within God's Law, why don't JW only eat kosher/halal?
'nad' should read 'and' ...sorry steve if that confused you