Is it healthy to be in a perpetual state of urgency?

by truthseeker 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    Over the last few years, it is apparent that there is a "sense of urgency." You may not know this, but the Governing Body have a "sense of urgency."


    Well, the rank and file do not seem to have a "sense of urgency" so the GB encourages them to get one.

    By publishing articles in the KM to encourage guilt trips, and a fear of what will happen if we don't follow Brooklyn's advice, the GB hopes to instill this "sense of urgency."

    But what is this sense of urgency?

    Basically, that we're all living in the "last days", and the "time of the end", and this is no time brothers to be fooling around and slacking off spiritually.

    And it has lasted longer than the 37 years from Jesus' death in 33 AD to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD.

    It has lasted longer than the 70 years exile the Jews experienced in Babylon.

    This "sense of urgency" has lasted longer than the 120 years given mankind, prior to the Flood.

    In fact, this "sense of urgency" is currently in its 126th year.

    And we are all encouraged to have this "sense of urgency."

    Bottom line? We're fed up. We're tired of hearing "wolf" at every convention and assembly. We tried to do things their way, while we were still in. And nothing has happened.

    When the "Pay Attention to Daniel's Prophecy" was released at the summer conventions in 1999, many perceived that "this is it, these are the last days," judging by the talk given.

    But that book has been studied and three more publications have been studied since then. Next month, the Daniel book will be considered again.

    We've had the "Keep On The Watch" brochure, which will be studied later this month. Obviously, it was designed to instill guilt into any witnesses who were sleeping spiritually. The style and content of this brochure is not designed for Joe Public.

    The most recent article in the May KM, is "Jehovah's Day Is Near." Another talk on how "deep we are in the time of the end."

    The article is so impersonal, one would think that a computer is running the organization and just spitting these articles out when it senses publisher activity is low.

    The title of this topic is "Is it healthy to be in a perpetual state of urgency?"

    I have to answer no. Many times at the assembly, the friends have been told to think that "Armaggedon is the day after tomorrow." We are told to simplify, simplify and simplfy, putting our hobbies in a box, so we can make more time for Kingdom Interests.

    When Jersualem was going to be destroyed, Jesus had already risen to heaven and the holy spirit was operating among hundreds of disciples; a person living back then could see these wonders and miracles, and know what Jesus had said concerning Jerusalem.

    "Your house is abandoned to you." Only 37 years remained for Christians to leave that city and flee to the moutains.

    Certainly not the boy who cried wolf there.

    But today, we are told to put our lives on hold. "Wait till the new system brothers, you can work on all your hobbies and interests there."

    Youths are encouraged not to pursue college and a career. Not even to get a good job. Nope, they are told if they go to college, it is with a view to getting a good job which will support them in the full time ministry.

    After years of this rhetoric, I have finally come to the conclusion, that the Society knows nothing. But they act like they do, by asking us to put our life on an "indefinite pause mode."

    It is unhealthy and counter productive to live like the end of the world is coming tomorrow. Whilst I do believe we are living in the "time of the end", there is nothing to be gained by slavishly following a man made institution, that will keep telling us to have a sense of urgency.

    If anyone who is a JW has a sense of urgency, it should be to leave this psuedo religion as soon as possible.

  • purplesofa

    The sense of urgency has made many where they can't even function a normal life. It is exasperating.

  • stillajwexelder

    No it adDs to stress strain and depression - it is self defeating in the long run IMHO. All emphasis is NO emphasis

  • truthseeker

    StillaJWexelder, excellent point. I really think the Society wants us under as much stress as possible - basically, Christians are told they must suffer for the sake of the good news, and the Society are doing an excellent job of making this happen.

    What we hear and what we see are two different things.

    I hear "we must have a sense of urgency brothers."

    I see brothers building homes, buying new cars and taking out expensive mortgages. I see young couples in debt, buying all the latest

    electronics. I see JW's going on cruises and expensive vacations.

    True, we need to relax, and there's nothing wrong with big screen TV's. But it doesn't jive with the "urgency we are all supposed to be living with."

  • garybuss

    The end is near is a core belief. It's an element.

    (Merton Campbell of the Jehovah's Witnesses headquarters in Brooklyn)
    The society's Campbell, reading from a written statement explaining the
    change, said: "This is not a major change in the witnesses' theology. They
    have always believed that the 'sign' began to be fulfilled in 1914 and that
    the end of this 'system of things' is close; it is not delayed or put off."

    Argus Leader, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
    Tuesday, Jan. 23, 1996
    Page 1

  • EvilForce

    Part of the buying things and mortgaging things are that Dub's figure they will never have to pay off any of it anyway. My parents have NEVER planned appropriately for retirement. Now they are in the mid-sixties and still having to work full time, both of them, just to get by. After all, I was never going to go to kindergarten, much less elementary school, nor junior high, or high school, definately not college....oh my god their "little" boy is 37 years old and NO NEW SYSTEM of things are here. Bleck!!!!

  • littlerockguy

    Absolutely not!

    If I only knew the price I would have to pay living in that state from my youth until around the age of 30 I never would have never become a JW. But as we all know we can't turn back time. What could the WTS possibly have to offer young people today? Are any young ones still coming in?

  • garybuss

    My uncle wouldn't build a garage for his car because Armageddon was Sooooooo close. He must have watched 10 cars rust to the ground. He finally built a garage when he was in his 60's. He's almost 90 now and still waiting. I'm not sure if he can even drive anymore but he still has the garage and he's still waiting for Armageddon.

  • Mary

    Proverbs 13:12: "Expectation postponed is making the heart sick."

    I think that just about sums it up.

  • Markfromcali

    And there's the fight-or-flight response... Fight or flight, preach and teach...

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