So I'm at the meeting tonight.............

by JV 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dismembered

    Greetings JV

    Great post!! Thanks for venting here. They(the Geehovs) are so predictable aren't they. Total brainwashed imbeciles. Many of them are so far removed from reality. I call it the "dumbing down of humanity, Jehovah's Witnesses."

    I must admit I was right in amongst them, parrotting things like "The Watchtower & Awake are the best magazines in da wurld"


    "Gimme back my hat, ya punk"

  • Sunspot

    These posts bring back memories............of being captive in a van full of older Dubs when waiting for someone who was "at the doors". The conversation was quite often on topics of the current mags and were the most UNstimulating conversations I had to sit through!

    Memories.....misty water colored memories

  • Balsam

    I have always been an avid reader, even as a JW. So when the WTS said that reading the magazines was equal to a University I thought Yah right that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. The magazine articles back in the 70's were poorly written and frankly hard to understand. We'd finish a WT Study and think what they heck were they saying? Sad that the JW's believed that nonsense. My ex-sister-law went back to college at 32 because she was exhausted cleaning floors and pioneering and couldn't support herself. She completed her education to go into being a dental hygentist, and is well paid. The congregation we were in everyone understood the need for her to go back to school to be able to support herself.


  • Chia

    Hehe, yeah tij, the bouncing...bass line. All the guys liked that. Tee hee! Good taste in music you have there!

  • GetBusyLiving

    :" where else but jehovah's organization can we learn such things? ".

    Lets see.. how about an hour of 'Sesame Street'?

    LMAO.. nice post. I actually ran across a couple of 'Asleep' mags last night as I was clearing out a bunch of drawers. I couldn't read that boring crap even while I was a child, it was so mind numbingly boring. Just flipping through it last night for like thirty seconds made me start nodding off.


  • Chia

    Haha...I shop at the Gap and drink Starbucks too. Beware the effects of rap. One thing I love about leaving the Dubs. I can listen to any damn thing I please.

  • littlerockguy

    The congregation we were in everyone understood the need for her to go back to school to be able to support herself.

    You must have been to a very spiritually weak congregation since I was led to believe that anybody who considers going to college to support yourself is demonstrating a lack of faith, spiritually weak or both. Just seek the kingdom and his righteousness and ALL other things will be added to you.

  • Chia

    In my congregation, it's not accepted to go to college, but 4 year colleges are frowned upon. It's basically, "Get the least amount of education needed and put the least amount of money into it so that you can spend the most time and resources in the preaching work." So a lot of people go to community colleges.

  • Thegoodgirl

    Hecklerboy: I'm 26 and also getting my masters in Nursing.

    It's so true the ignorance. I didn't really get how bad it was until I took my worldly fiancee to one of the Memorials and they quoted a "UNIVERSITY STUDENT" as saying the magazines were some of the most interesting and mind-stimulating things he'd come across. My fiancee was like, HUH? That was one in millions of university students, probably one smoking something. Then I realized how silly those Awake magazine testimonials really were.

    Yeah, when the Nov 1992 WT came out about education being okay, my older sister decided to become a nurse (community college) and the congregation was like "Gasp!". One other family that particularly ragged on us about it pulled all their kids out of school and home schooled them. The kids are okay today, but employed by the parents' personal small business since they really have no other skills.

  • jschwehm


    Our congregation was very anti-college. When I left Bethel and started college I got the looks and the attitude. In any case, I know what you mean.

    Jeff Schwehm

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