So I'm at the meeting tonight.............

by JV 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • love2Bworldly

    i remember being in a meeting in wales and the speaker told us that any music with a beat behind it could cause us to fall into a trance like state, so should be avoided.

    LMAO Hee Hee Those idiots! Wow I must be in a trance ever since I quit the JWs. I love all kinds of music. Please tell me what music does not have any kind of beat? Even the jazz music I like has a beat to it, gimme a break!

    You know sometimes I feel so embarrassed that I used to believe the BS fed from the platform and literature.

  • JV

    Chia, i take it you're still in? Anyways, i totally hear what you're saying Chia, There's lots of community college and trades going down at the kingdom hall, to quote seinfeld " not that there's anything wrong with that " trades are the backbone of the job force. There are two younger brothers at my hall, lets call them fornication guy and flake boy, ( i'll let you think 'bout that for a second), anyways they're both going into trades, and i can see it now, i'll get the comments like " well fornication boy makes it to all the meetings and he's going to schoool, why can't you make it " now because 80 + percent of the people in my hall haven't had post secondary education they have no basis for comparison. It's like comparing apples and oranges, i have shit loads of homework each night, they won't that's just the nature of their area's of study. Needless to say, it's frustrating and i wish i could bring my ipod before and after the meeting so i don't have to listen to anybody's dumb ass comments, and for most of the meeting too except the local needs, for some reason i like the local needs. Anyways, that's my two cents for this morning

  • undercover
    the speaker told us that any music with a beat behind it could cause us to fall into a trance like state, so should be avoided.

    I've heard that same thing. I remember the speaker saying that certain beats can put us into a trance like state opening our mind to the demons.

    Because of that talk, some in the congregation decided that Ina-Gadda-Da-Vida by Iron Butterfly(that kind of dates me, huh?) and similar type music was demonic and should be gotten rid of.

  • Chia

    I haven't been to meetings for about a month now, when my mom kicked me out of the house. But I haven't been disfellowshipped or anything like that. I agree, there's nothing wrong with trades. It's absolutely a good thing. But it should be YOUR CHOICE if you want to do that, you know? I resent being forced to pioneer. So many times I was told, "Well, soon you'll marry a Bethelite and then you won't have any financial worries." That's disgusting. No thanks. I'll pass.

  • JV

    Oh God marry a bethalite, i get sick just thinking about that, but i'm a guy so i guess i don't have to worry bout marrying a bethalite, i like how if you have some sort of priviledge like passing the mics ( don't get me started bout that crap ) you're value in the marrage market increases ten fold, that's downright retarded, anyways i'm going to school be back in an hour.

  • love2Bworldly

    Chia--wow that $20 a month pay they used to get will really relieve your financial worries if you marry a bethelite! And on top of that, no benefits or skills when you leave the big Bethel.

  • Chia

    I know, right? Isn't that just lovely? That's just lovely.

    In addition to that, I did almost take the plunge. I was talking about marrying this guy. I was 17/18, he was 19/20. We both came from large families. He would say things like, "When we get married, I'm going to take care of you, and you can stay home with the children." It all sounded good but one day it felt like I had been smacked in the face with a wet towel. I just turned 18, and I'm talking about children? Oh, heck no.

    Not that it's a bad thing, but I definitely wasn't and still am not ready. It would've been so much harder for me if I had done it that way. I can't imagine having all these doubts I have with children and a husband right now.

  • JV

    Back from school, if there's one thing that i hate about the whole jw experience is the 18 year old jw shotgun wedding. It's something about it that just fills me with disgust. I love the line " I'll take care of ya baby " which at that age pretty much equals " I want to get into your pants " 'cause at 18 you aint taking care of nothing, how many people at 18 are responsible enough to take care of a wife and kids and bring home the bacon??? i don't know too many, but there are people out there and prob alot on this board and i give them mad props yo ( sorry watching 50 Cent ).

  • Chia

    Welcome back.

    (Clickety-clank, clickety-clank, the money goes into my piggy bank...) But seriously, you're right. The shotgun weddings are awful. I have at least 2 friends who are now divorced. It's not to say it can't work, but if you feel forced into awful.

  • seeitallclearlynow
    priceless stuff though


    Good thread, JV! Loved your comparison between the joy of meetings and being drilled in the head with an auger and the ipod idea is a great one! I always hated before and after the meetings, having to talk to them (for the most part).

    Hang in there! I didn't realize you had such an awesome sense of humor!

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