Anyone heading to the opening session tomorrow? anyone already been to an exclusive screening? anyone going in full jedi gettup?!! Ican't afford to go until Saturday night , but all the same there's one very very excited frog here!...I can only hope that we're not all tragically disappointed like in number 2...senator frog of the rebellion
Star Wars 111: Who's heading to the opening session?!
by Frog 40 Replies latest jw friends
Well, I'm going to see it within a month. It only opens on Thursday here.
Going to an exclussive screening in Seattle tomorrow presented by Intel. Its a training seminar, we all get a sample "64bit" Pentium, followed by an early showing of episode 3...all COMPED!!! MWHAHAHAHA
we all get a sample "64bit" Pentium
What the...?!
Yeah, well, shaw, you're so lame, I'm going to the one sponsored by BMW in Redmond. We all get sample Beamers.
i'll be at the pre-opening session today :-)
64bit pentiums? i hate you! -
I'm planning on going to a Saturday or Sunday morning viewing.
-Elsewhere, of the Thinks Like an Old Fart class.
and by 64bit pentiums, i mean what intle is calling logical processor stacked on a physical processor. But its free, so whatever. :-D Sample beamers...AWESOME,..can i have your old car?
I'm going to a midnight showing tonight. However, it will suck and I will wish I had my $8 back. But keeping the faith I guess. IMO the Star Wars movies will be remade by someone before I'm dead, and they will "un-screw" the movie that Lucas did in Episode 1 and 2. WITH NO JAR JAR BINKS.
I'm going to the midnight screening too. It's a bit crazy for me tho because I have a 8am flight to London just afterwards!
I will be wearing my Skywalker Ranch clothes...
I got my tickets 3 weeks ago. Tonight @ 12:01 am. 13 hours, 56 minutes, 25 seconds.