If being engaged is as good as being married then why you can't sex????????
Dubs telling people who they should and should not marry.
by LongHairGal 20 Replies latest jw experiences
i know i was told i would have to get baptised first before i could marry my loser JW hubby #1. if i had any kahunas i would have said no to both issues!!!!!!
If being engaged is as good as being married then why you can't sex???????? I have always wondered about this.
Knew of one JW girl (17) who was marrying a man in his early 20s.. Seems like the parents pushed them into marriage (both fathers were elders), so they wouldn't sin or whatever. All the kids in the congo knew that the girl was too young to marry and the guy was strange and that the two of them already had problems getting along (fighting and breaking up constantly). They did get engaged and on the day of the marriage they got into another fight and the girl was in the back room with the elders crying and telling them she did not want to marry this jerk , but they said it was too late--she was already engaged. It was a terrible wedding and the girl cried all through the ceremony. At one point doing the ceremony she looked at the groom and said "see what you did?" Well, that marriage lasted less than a year and was a miserable one.
On the other hand my daughter was engaged to a non-JW man (she herself was not baptized nor a confirmed believer ). But, the elders and everyone else tryed to convince them to break off their engagement--so what's up with that? Do non-JW marriages not count?
Cybs, THere's no logic, of course. And I think those are like a congregation to congregation rules type of thing. Wow, that must have been an awful wedding with the poor girl crying in the backroom! How can the elders have possibly done that? And then she gets a divorce less than a year away???? Isn't a divorce worse than breaking off an engagement?
El Kabong
If I listened to them 23 years ago, I wouldn't have my Beautiful Wife or my Beautiful Kids. Just shows what the hell they know.
There was a Sister in my old congregation who listened to them. She was widowed at a fairly young age and was left to raise her two children alone. After her kids grew up, she met this gentleman who was not in the truth. They dated and he wanted to marry her. He even went to the meetings and started studying just so he could be with her. But he made it very clear that he wouldn't get baptized. The Elders put a stop to their dating, and they eventually broke up. Now, she's alone, bitter, and most of the time, drunk. -
I knew a pioneer sister that did break off an engagement because she found out things about the guy that she couldn't handle. She lost her pioneer "privleges" for over a year.
You would think their are bigger issues in this world, but, oh no--the WT org would spend its time picking apart its members with its stupid rules and regulations. It is truly crazy making stuff.
That was the story of my life in my early 20's. I think I got the last laugh in the end.
I know a sister who met a brother online and called his congregation elders who said everything was fine. She traveled about 2,000 miles to find out that the guy was a convicted chld molester. Now why didn't the elders tell her that on the phone and save her the time and money?
This just takes the cake! They wouldn't tell the sister (a potential marriage mate) about his criminal background but you can bet everybody in their congregation and locality knows about it.
I don't know how they can live with themselves!!