The C.O. and elder came to my house last night!

by Sarah 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sarah

    Please tell me I made the right decision. Last night the CO and another elder showed up at our house just 5 minutes after my husband got home from work (I think they were sitting on the side of the road just waiting for him to come home)*stalkers*, anyway to make along story short, the pressure was on. I felt like they were there to get us to DA ourselves. He kept asking us questions like "Do you still consider yourself to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses?" And in a very tricky way other questions too. It is hard for me to put in writing just exactly how the converstaion went. BUT it did end in a way, that I start bawling, and just tell them to take me off their list- I DA'd myself and so did my husband. My husband looked them right in the face and said I am tired of seeing you people make my wife cry, this is the last time I ever want to see her cry over this! He(the CO) then told us that my brother, sister and mom would not be allowed to speak to us ever again- as if I needed to hear that at that point. So they leave, I am physically sick. I am crying hysterically,to the point I throw up! It was awful. I just want the pain to go away. I am tired of feeling like this. How can I just put this behind me and never look back? I went and said goodbye to my mom and told her it's been nice knowing her for 26 years! Can you imagine. Anyway, I need some encouraging words right now, and I know you guys will give it to me. Thanks for listening.

  • Stephanus

    Heartless bastards! Maybe you should have taped the interview, and used the tape in your defence trial after you'd given those dickheads a good thumping! What dicks!

  • Sarah


    I didn't know they were coming, or I would have taped it.

  • peterstride

    And to think that officially at least, the WTS says that DFing does NOT sever family ties....all a bunch of PR bull for the media.

    Peter Stride
    Toronto, Canada

  • Stephanus

    Yes, I realise that. You mentioned that the f***wits were lurking under cover of darkness for their opportunity, like any lowlife criminal! Maybe you should take a group of mates to THEIR place, with a concealed tape to record confirmation of your DAing, THEN thump them! Not a real suggestion, I'm just so angry that these two arseholes who are supposed to be shepherding the flock are actually devouring the sheep! Their heartlessness in the face of your distress is truly despicable! They'll get theirs one day! (Mutter, mutter!)

  • DrunkWithLiberty

    I am so sorry that you had to go through that terrible ordeal. My last meeting with the elders was very emotional also, so I knkow that feeling.
    My husband is the one in our family that has relatives in the org.
    He printed the info that peterstride is talking about (not severing ties) and sent it to his family. 3 out of four of them still talk to him, just alittle less than before, but he still has communication with them at least.
    I send you and your husband hugs and support. BTW, life gets better as you distance yourself from the org. It may take time but it gets better (in my case, better than I ever dreamed).
    Much love to you,l

  • MadApostate

    I would like to preface my comments with the facts that I have never punched anyone in the face in anger, nor have I ever been arrested.

    However, I think it is about time that visiting COs understand that they can't just waltz into an inactive JWs home and treat them like dirt.

    I have been waiting for them to show up at my home for several years. THIS IS THEIR FAIR WARNING: If you treat me in my own home in any way less than what any normal human would treat anoher in their own home, I PROMISE YOU THAT YOU AND YOUR ELDER LACKEY WILL LEAVE ON A STRETCHER!!!

    I don't care what the consequences are; criminally or civilly. You can't damage me more than you already have.

  • Thirdson


    Whther you did the right thing or not you are better off today and free of them. The heartless words about not seeing family are just words...all is not lost with your family, especially after being forced out like this.

    If there is any consolation, 100's of lurkers will have read your post and some of those will be prompted to make their own decisions to quit and some may post here for the first time. Many more "interested" ones will get a bit more insight in to the real world of the WTS and JWs. There have been some excellent threads this week and responses to questions. Fewer now will get involved with the religion (cult) we all once shared.

    DwL offers a good suggestion about the PR piece. There is much hope ahead and today you are free and free to find real happiness.

    Best wishes to you,


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • LovesDubs

    Sarah - BIG BIG hugs to you and your hubby and God BLESS that man for standing up to those assholes. Keeping the congregation clean indeed...all they are are gestapo, little man gods who think they can treat people like crap all they want to and have gods backing. You are in probably the lowest spot in your life right now Sarah, but now can begin the healing. No more anxiety about having to fake your way through life to avoid being caught with your true feelings showing. I have seen whole families LEAVE this cult because of the way they saw their loved ones treated by the elders. Princes INDEED!!! Satans spawn! So have heart honey, anything is possible. At least now you can get up on Saturdays and Sundays and enjoy your family, the outdoors, go shopping, have that cup of coffee and read the paper with your cat on your lap with no GUILT about having to meet somebody elses expectations about what you should or shouldnt be doing. And nobody will be WATCHING you any more. Nobody will be STALKING you any more. We love you guys...and boy howdy do we understand what you are going through. Dont we gang?


  • expatbrit


    I'm really sorry to hear about your unpleasant experience. It's hard to believe the unfeeling cruelty of that lowlife CO. He also lied to you, btw. Your family members may be put under pressure not to, but they can talk to you if they choose about non-spiritual matters. I don't know how hardline your family is, but I hope they take a reasonable stance.

    At least now you've made a definite move. I'm trying to fade away slowly, but the ongoing uncertainty and non-resolution regarding family members is really grinding. Now you can move forward with all that behind you. You have the satisfaction too, I hope, of knowing that you are in command of the moral high ground here. You are the one who has been targeted and victimised by these creeps.

    Unfortunately as the growth stops and decline sets in, I think many of the "higher ups" (using term loosely) will grow increasingly desperate and resort to these high pressure tactics. It will only expose the myth of the loving organisation for the lie it is. They are in a no-win situation, and they know it.

    Anyway, don't worry yourself about whether or not you made the right decision. Escaping a cult is always right, no matter what the route taken.

    Take care.


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