New Letter to all Congregations 5/16/2005

by TheListener 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    Whatya wanna bet that the WTS has their own insurance agency? Not advertised of course, but legalized and licensed so they can do it themselves and not have to operate it through an outside agency.

    So if that's the case, the 8 mil is going to the WTS not some insurance agency. They will incure some medical expenses and a few car expenses but not 8 mil worth. The rest is gravy.

  • carla

    They supply health ins. to co's?! but not to the poor schmuks at Bethel? How about all the rank & file who work in low paying jobs that do not provide health ins? How do you suppose they will take this? carla

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    With everyday that passes by I'm more and more convinced that religion is...


    I'm not giving them another red cent out of my pockeet. EVER AGAIN!!!

    I'm not hurting them, though, because my husband and close relatives more than make-up for what I don't shell out in $$$. DARN!!!


  • TheListener


    I agree with what you say except the part that not all will donate. This isn't an individual donation thing. The congregation elders will pass a resolution that sends the money to brooklyn based on the number of publisher record cards on file. That means that even irregular (and maybe, depending on elder body) publishers will be counted. Brooklyn will get more not less than the amount based on the KM reports.

  • ithinkisee

    This is great to have a heads up on this ... I will have the figures mentally in my head when I go to the meeting and pretend like I am writing out the math for the first time in my notepad at the KH and act surprised, and then show it to my wife and say ... wow! $1200/month per CO??? They need a new insurance carrier.

    My wife pays our car insurance too, so she knows how much it SHOULD cost.


  • EvilForce

    Um, you can bet on it....

    They are probably self insured w/ a catastrophic coverage carrier.

    However, the $ 250 a month is pretty low.... health care is expensive....very expensive. They probably are also expensing an umbrella liability policy on each CO in case they get into legal hot water enforcing WTBS garbage.

  • ithinkisee

    I guess we'll need to pick up their co-pays soon too.


  • TheListener

    Perhaps the lease amount of the cars in included as well? I can't remember the letter word for word.

  • TheListener

    Perhaps it covers the lease amounts on their vehicles also? I can't remember the letter word for word.

    Oops! my first double post.

  • EvilForce

    If that also covers their lease payments then it would be an accurate figure of around $ 8 million total.

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