How's the transition going in your life from faithful JW to ex? For me, it's pretty good. No one has called me and that's good.
Recovery-----How Goes The Battle?
by minimus 36 Replies latest jw friends
I am so much happier now. No one has called me either -- and that is very good. My wedding is in two days and my parents are not attending because of my choice of "lifestyle". It would bother their conscience to attend. Oh well -- their loss.
jt stumbler
Contrary to what they say, it does'nt look like the devil has stopped targeting me despite my leaving the org. Im getting more and more guilt free everyday. Especially on Saturdays, I don't have to worry about the guilt trip visits.
It's pretty new to the very beginning (jan /Feb) I was freaked out - I felt as if I was going crazy because I had encounted a freedom of worship and I had the guilt of just starting to go back to meetings. It was a monday night and I starting cutting my arm because the pain kept me sain. There have been committee cases, family trying to disuade me. However I know the truth about the organisation and I know that Jehovah/Jesus is so good, I've tasted freedom from religion, freedom from this brainwashing cult - I couldn't go back. At times though I do feel alone as I was very much liked in the congregations and used to throw some great parties. And since one was not encouraged to make friends in the world....yeah it's lonely at times. BUT I wouldn't go back every. This last month has been great (though I did have a sister call at my door and an elder phone me and when asked how I'm doing I replied "never better")
welcome to the board LouBelle.
it has been hard for me. i DA'd myself but my wife is still a JW. she goes out on the weekends with our old "friends" from the borg. they call and just ask for her now. the social aspect of it is a total perversion of nature.
however, intellectually, i have never been better or more satisfied. this is paramount to me over social discomfort and lonliness. -
Telling Witnesses that you've never felt better since leaving------kills 'em.
Telling Witnesses that you've never felt better since leaving------kills 'em.
They are starting to counter brought out in a thread where it was reported that a CO told the congregation that the reason people who leave feel better is because they no longer have to struggle to do what's right.
Can't you just see all the heads nodding in unison as that is told from the platform? It gives them justification for being miserable and for hating those who are happier after leaving.
If they're braindead, yes. But if they care to think about who's happier the prescription junkie, unknown syndrome afflicted, depressed suicidal JW or the exJW that left and always has a smile on his face----they might get a clue.
Cool! Just so cool!
Only one JW has made contact for months and months and she was on our doorstep for literally two minutes and then left!