I have discovered this site just recently and I must say that it's enlightening for me to say the least. I myself am a df'd elder, disfellowshipped while I was repentant but my mistake was that I did not attend the meetings - that's for another topic -
To comment on pedophile happenings within the organization: I know from experience that this is a widespread problem within the organization - yet when a witness, be it an elder, MS or publisher, is guilty of this crime (and it IS a crime very much so as rape, murder, grand theft etc), the police should always be notified.
This is certainly not happening and the funny part is that the organization treats pedophilea almost in the same manner as some form of masturbation: it's bad if you practise it but not as serious a "crime" as long as you try to abstain from it in the future - yet when you do it again and again (in secret of course), well you may lose your priviledges and yet it goes no further - Do you see where I am going - the Society including the congregations are treating pedophiles in a similar light - what a travesty of justice and an affront to Jehovah God and of course the innocent children who are carrying this terrible burden of guilt........
Will the WT defend by default?
by Jim Lad 21 Replies latest jw friends
That "some bb system" will be exactly where DATELINE will tell it's viewer's to tune in during and after the program. It is where I will be while it is airing on the east coast andalso I will see it on east coast webcams thru yahoo. I already stated this.
Look sir, we all are allies here with "Bill". We all want this insanity stopped. You have no clue really what I have been putting on hold because I swore (to certain people) I would wait for DATELINE to air. I intend on keeping that contract. Many others are hard at work too Maximus, getting vital info out to the internet community as well as the REAL WORLD. That is why this WILL work. We are all doing/ action our part individually, as best we can. It's arelief to know that every corner is being covered and it's appreciated Maximus. There are many of us to thank for all that we do to expose this orgs criminal corruption. There is no way one person could accomplish what so many have EVIDENTLY done thusfar. (pardon my spacebar)
Now, what's all this fuss about July 31?
Sincerely, sKally
I understand. Know that you are loved very much.
Yet Maximus, what of July 31st?
sKally, love has NOTHING to do with anything here klass ]:)]
sKally, I hear you, and let me tell you that love has everything to do with it.
Forget past disappointments. You will be vindicated. Totally.
Jim Lad
Maximus, when will the Dateline show come on? Is it just on show or an ongoing expose? Despite not going on camera are names mentioned? and if not how will the public take anyone credible who's simply a nameless shadow? All questions in good faith.
Well sir, it's quite evident you do NOT hear me. With due respect, you have not answered my question I pose twice now. Is there astory breaking on that day or NOT?
sKally, try not to "READ" me klass...love has NOTHING to do with this!
Dateline awaits a new season in the Fall; it's now preparing new programs, and also wants to dot the i's and cross the t's. This is not a spur of the moment presentation, but it is the most thoughtful and exhaustively researched presentation I have experienced in over half a century of my own exposure to similar projects.
The producer is keenly aware of the power the network has, and he wants to get it right, with chips falling where they may. He's an extraordinary man. I trust him. Truth will out.
The clarion ring of truth is powerful
I've perhaps given you the wrong impression, that your story is needed. My heart wanted to give you the opportunity to be part of the stories that will be told. Your names are not needed, nor frankly is your story, although it may provide yet another piece to this miserable puzzle. A whole day would have to be devoted to all of the stories they have heard, and that's not possible.
The Watchtower Society/ Watch Tower Society/ Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses has a potential enormous loss ahead of them, not just in money damages. They are counting on fear to prevent folks from speaking out. Doesn't have to be on this specific program. Don't give away your power, Jim.
Jim Lad
I appreciate all comments very much and it did serve to answer my question. Actually the straw that broke the camels back for me was that the local mounties told my wife that JW's are the hardest to deal with the way they protect their elders. I'm aware that her story isn't unique (a frightening revelation at the time), and we feel no sense of importance or mission to the world. She has been treated like shit by all her family who won't believe her (mom does but her memory is selective when needing to choose which family she belongs too), her sister is the only exception. With two suicide attempts and years of marriage in the shadow of this disgusting history, we simply want to make HIM pay, jail hopefully. I am truly pissed off though when I fully realize how much this should be blamed indirectly on the WTS but this is all recent to me you understand. I hope that Maximus and Bill Bowen and all who make a great effort to expose this are rewarded and you certainly have my respect. I'll keep you folks posted on how all this goes down in the Canadian justice system. Looking forward to getting to know some intelligent consciencious objectors....
:: the local mounties told my wife that JW's are the hardest to deal with the way they protect their elders.
Sad to say, we know this, having heard it over and over; society at large does not. Watchtower says it's just folks who are disgruntled about something. That's about to be exposed on a very large scale.
What I'm feebly trying to convey to you is that you and your precious wife are NOT unimportant. Doesn't matter whether you are part of Dateline or not. When you need specific help, it will be there. People will be reading this who have very powerful connections, and I don't mean inside Watchtower.
I'm dealing with a family who has been treated "like shit" for many years who now will be vindicated for all to see, after a very long time of intense pain. That's reward enough for Bill and me, and for a very special person who has taken an enormous risk to make this possible.