What are your Healthy Releases?

by GetBusyLiving 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sparkplug

    Dancing and cleaning for sure....often both at the same time. Also doing the adult luvin thing always works. Often strenuous excercise coupled with music...

  • tetrapod.sapien

    i'll burn out to the mountains and go for a hike. or read. or work on my linux cluster. or work in the garden. or drop by the pub for a pint.

  • stillajwexelder

    seriously - a good stiff bourbon

  • FMZ

    My healthy releases? I love going for long drives, listening to some nice heavy depressing music.

    Smoke a little, drink a little.... Reading a good book with a nice hot cup of tea. Smoke a little more.

    And here goes (I may as well be coming out of the closet here). I like to take a nice long hot bath with some candles lit, and listening to some good music, Josh Groban is a favorite here. Oh, and smoking a little in the bath.

    It's all good.


  • Dustin

    I like to go running, listen to some nice dark and depressing music. I like to write. My favorite is singing though. I love to scream until my heart is content.

  • DHL

    Physical activities (anything from work out to cleaning the house will do), listening to music or getting out. Consuming nature is a great stress reliever. I cycle or go for a long walk. When I hear the birds singing and smell the flowers or the earth everything comes into balance again automatically.

  • CoonDawg

    I'm of the gardening sort too. I really like working in my yard. I also go for rides on my motorcycle...just a quiet back country road. When I'm really over the top frustrated with anger (e.g. a run in with my ex wife) I play the most violent "first person shooter" video game I can find, or I take my rifle out to the range and put a few boxes of shells through paper targets. Believe it or not, nothing calms my nerves like target shooting. You HAVE to relax in order to be any good at it. If you are all tensed up and angry, you'll be lucky to hit the paper, let alone the X-ring.


  • PaulJ

    i play football (thats 'soccer' to a lot of you) but the thing is i havent for ages. why? cos all the ppl i used to play football with are witnesses. Now, my release is listening to Nevermind by Nirvana... loudly. I feel much better after that!

  • JW83

    Going for a drive in my car with some happy, loud, pumping music on - did I mention LOUD?! And you've got to sing! I did it this afternoon with Cat Empire - it was great!

  • LyinEyes

    If I am so stressed , I will headaches ,so a good nap, in a dark room works. I like to just shut off , like a robot sometimes.

    If I am stressed and mad,,,,,, I clean.

    Sometimes I go down to our little home town bar and order my first beer,,,,,,it doesnt take long taking to friends and hearing their crappy day events before I put my own into perspective.

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