
by JW83 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • JW83

    There is a quickbuild going on in our area this weekend. I drove past today & it made me sad - they were the best part of being a dub. I used to go with friends, & it was cruzey - checking out guys & socialising & working hard.

    My last quickbuild was a bummer, though, and a few months later I left.

  • blondie

    Quickbuilds could have their bright side.

    But they aren't like they used to be.

    Most in this area are merely replacement buildings for existing KHs not for a new congregation. Some are even forgoing rebuilding and end up going in together with another congregation.

    It was scary watching an brother unqualified in building calling the shots because of his so-called spiritual qualifications.

    It was also one of those times you would see the behind the scenes battles between the elders come out in the open.


  • moanzy

    The brothers used to complain about sisters picking at one another. I remember the almost all out brawls over how one brother might hammer the shingles.


  • lawrence

    I loved building projects, and as Blondie said the fights among brothers were intense. God forbid a brother slipped a disk and didn't show up for "Hall Day" or a sister was sick and didn't deliver her deep dish, "dem bruders are hungry workers." I enjoyed doing the roofs, could see everything going on down below. Precious moments.

  • JW83

    The one that they're doing this weekend was torched a few years ago!! So it's a complete rebuild.

    I must have walked around with my blinkers on when I was a Witness - mostly I thought the quickbuilds were lovely!

  • ithinkisee

    They don't really do Quick Builds as we used to know them. I currently serve as an assistant on a Regional Building team.

    The Quick Builds were great publicity and great for getting it done quick, but later there were many problems from hasty construction. For instance, because they didn't let walls dry before painting or vinyl coating them, they ended up with severe mold and mildew problems and it is costing the Society (i.e. publishers) millions of dollars in mold remediation. The Society hooked up with some brothers in California who do this work (mold remdiation) and they are all big butt buddies now since it's financially in each other's best interests.

    Speaking of ... I have a Regional Kingdom Hall job to do next weekend ...


  • JW83

    Interesting ...

  • tetrapod.sapien

    it's interesting that so many here liked the quick builds! that's cool. i must have missed something though because i really did not like them at all.

  • hillbilly

    My day job is construction related and the family has been in contracting for years... Mold remediation? I figured that would happen... South Florida quickbuild hall projects were all pretty shaky in my opinion. Those buildings had lots of nagging issues early in there service lifes...

    Ha hah ha ..I cant IMAGINE the lead dog on a Quickbuild isnt qualified....I mis-spent a lot of life at the FT Lauderdale Assembly hall. $3 million ended up at $7 million...lots of wasted dollars 'cause of double work and ruined materials. (those in the know will tell you that it was closer to $10 Mill...they fess up to $7 "officially")

    Came in one Friday night to find that our "Leader" had rounded up a "vast army" to hang a "multitude" of drywall on a whole bunch of not-yet-inspected metal framing that didnt have any electrical conduit or plumbing in it yet.

    Bonus... all the board was hung brown side out. BACKWARDS!


  • Mac

    House on sand comes to mind when I hear that phrase...


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