You are the World and the World is You :)

by frankiespeakin 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin

    I've read over and over again in mystic writings this basic idea about "oneness" is that "You" are the world, you are making the sun shine,, you are everything and hence the world is you. Everything in space time is an illusion of the mind and thought,,, and that there is this nonfragmentary consciousness of it all, that is nothing like the the fragmentary nature of human thought.

  • frankiespeakin

    I have read books by Physist about the Non Local nature of the Universe especially concerning the experiments of the year 1998 I beleive ,, about the instantanious comunication of subatomic particle over a distance of 7 km. So now many physists see space and distance as just an illusion of the mind. It is an established fact that our observation effect measurement of subatomic particles.

    Don't forget also the fact that we can not see subatomic particles and that all we have is crude mathematical models,,that can never be exact. With out any consciousness nothing would exist because no one or thing would sense it.

  • Sith


  • frankiespeakin

    The reason why atoms respond a certain way is because everything is this living organism that transfere information back and forth and so because of the information transfere atoms seems to have this and that laws nature or habits. Just like we develope a patern for conduct inside society so these particles developed paterns of actions. This could go on in any direct of time and space.

    Biolgist Sheldrake cites some evidence that these habit or laws are changing through and information exchanging process with something outside time and space. He claims that the speed of light maybe changing because of these but these changes would be now evolving ever so slightly making small adjustments here and there.

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    everything leads me back to one view...namely that EVERYTHING I know is within my own mind, thus a direct part of me.

    everyone and everything is part of this ONE thing.

    I am the dreamer who is at the center of my own dream....and every thing is a part of my dream....

    can we all be dreaming the same dream?

    each of us seems to me to be like the different programs which can run on a single computer all at the same time... each program has isolated data [its own dream] but each is made of the combination of programs and hardware [the universe and its rules of motion- its true nature]... one universe, many semi-independent programs.... one AND many.....

    like the wave and the ocean, not one, not two. [Anthony DiMello]

  • Huxley

    Sounds like the old adage, "Be the change you want to see in the world." I like it. Huxley

  • jaffacake

    My background is one of mainstream, then creationist Bible based Christianity, followed by an interest in astronomy and science bordering on philosophy. I try to grasp elements of cosmology, quantum theory, superstring theory leading to M-theory etc. I have perhaps neglected the mystic in my reading.

    Something in your post is consistent with something in a book I am reading today which is having a profound effect on me. It would take a while to summarise what it covers, and I'm not halfway through yet, so it is t oo soon to evaluate what I think yet. The book is by Keith Ward, an Anglican priest and theologian (here me out) who unifies all the above in his study of what he argues scholarly evidence demonstrated that the Bible really teaches.

    The book is called what the Bible really teaches - a challenge for fundamentalists. If you can get past the opening line which states - I am a born again Christian you will find a strong critique on born again Bible based and conservative Christianity. JW doctrines are never mentioned but are blown out of the water by explanations of accepted rules for Biblical research. He makes a fresh case for better understanding the Bible, if read in proper context & proper rules etc. He makes a strong case for a different understanding to what most of us have been taught about doctrines such as;

    • salvation
    • evil & divine love
    • sin & grace
    • the sacrifice of jesus
    • resurrection
    • judgement, heaven & hell
    • the moral law

    This is certainly not conservative, and some are too profound for me, but at least some of the points made about all the mistaken doctrines of Christianity make sense following his non-biased and scholarly way of understanding scriptures, including those of non-Christian religions. He argues that Christianity is not just about this planet, and possibly goes beyond this universe, all base on Bible teachings that are more plausible than anything the JWs or most religions say Scriptures mean to fit their ideaologies.

  • frankiespeakin


    Good idea,, the world that has violence,, and sorrow,, is the world that we ourselves are inwardly,, as man evolves i think his inward world will shift not because he wants it to but simply because it is evolving. I guess one could sort of help things along by cooperation or a surrendering to the process and not fighting it. I do feel we will evolve as a species to greater awareness of our connectedness to everything which shift the focus from mainly personal, to all embrassing.

  • frankiespeakin


    I no longer would ever considered the Bible as a book from some guy in the sky. He is just a myth, a story, made up in the imagination of some jewish writers. Not to be taken seriously. Don't let some ancient book guide your life.

  • jaffacake


    Thats fair.

    Some of points I read that made me sit up were those that demonstrated some of what you argue - that it is full of myths errors etc, inspired only like other works are inspired, maybe God-breathed but not God-dictated. That doesn't mean it is necessarily meaningless, unless for someone who totally rejects the idea of any sort of divine being or force. I have spent most of my life thinking like you, but I still think it is good to look at a whole new perspective about the universe, this one has certainly captured my imagination, and is a good read perhaps for agnostic theists or even Christians, if they are different groupings. Comments like being in Christ means being part of everything in the universe and vice versa are fresh enough to get my attention.

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