If God of the bible is real, we are at the mercy of his cranky judgemental whims
Sorry this has gone a bit off topic, but why I like this books perspective is because it does indeed argue that the God of the Bible, in the way most people understand such a concept is not real, but mythology or human perspectives to try to make sense of out world & universe. It also rejects totally the notion of judgement or salvation being for a selecy few from a single faith. It doesnt limit the issues to this part of the universe.
IF we allow the possibility there is some form of Creative entity or force (God is just a word), and if we allow the possibility that the Bible (written 14 billion years after the start of this universe) COULD have some degree of mystic truth simplified as Creator God is Love/No such thing as devil or evil but just negative forces of nature - decay/antropy...necessary for creation (2nd law of thermodynamics...?). Then could creation of the universe be a Creators way of experiencing self and mutual love (its natural state) through highly evolved beings. Creation itself necessarily includes negative forces eg natural selection, at least for a time...Us all being sons of God & part of God & connected with every other atom in the universe is actually consistent with what the Bible really says, but not what people believe the Bible says.
Is our skepticism of the Bible based on our abject failure to understand it on several levels? If we are all part of God/universe then salvation/eternal life is for all as we were created/evolved so Love can be experienced to/from the creative force. What we dont understand now might be somewhat more clearly grasped in a few hundred years hence due to advancement, evolution or whatever. The Bible is a mix of mythology, history, propaganda, religion, poetry etc. IF this guy is right in his logic that any truths it contains are quite the opposite of what most Christians teach, but closer to mysticism, physics and cosmology. I am interested in the new perspective and fromwhat I've read so far reccommend the book as I did Steven Hawking or Brian Greene stuff.
Unfortunately I may have completely misrepresented this half-read book by over/under playing important aspects. I never did take the Bible too literally, but rather than reject completely like I did for many years, I am getting such a different perspective, which my post has failed to do justice to. Hey- Im no scientist or theologist