People say that love is blind to age difference but when you have/had to strike a relationship or marry with someone what's the maximum age difference that is/was acceptable to you?
Relationships and age difference
by greendawn 27 Replies latest watchtower bible
I dated someone that was 42(I was 20 at the time). We aren't together anymore, but we are still friends. The breakup had nothing to do with our ages, but "living a double life" didn't help.
My hubby is 14 yrs older than me and it works just fine for us. I think age only matters if you make it matter
My rule was always 4 years.
We needed to be in High School at the same time, even if it was for just one year.
What is the big deal as long as both are happy and their ages are within what the law allows?
5 years older was my limit. I married at 22 and my husband is only 4 years older. To me (now), he's a youngin because I feel there is no difference whatsoever.
If I were dating, I don't think I'd have a limit - older than me. Younger-well, I don't know.
Lately, the men who have caught my eye have been in their mid 40's and lookin damn good.
i'm 19 (till sunday) and matt's 29. we're 10 years apart...yesterday he said that it's a good thing i'm turning 20 before he turns 30...he said, 'can you imagine the looks we would get if we told people you were 19 and i was 30?' lol
20 and 30 just sound better
but no...i don't think age long as you truly love (not lust) the other person. but don't try to get freaky like anna nicole smith or woody allen
luv, kitty
Mental age has to be a big part of it. When i was in my 20's I dated some ladies in their 40's who were total dipshits. And some ladies who were younger than me who were amazingly emotianlly advanced. Emotional intelligence is a big deal for me. Peole who have no clue who they are and are Jealous and clingy are unattractive at any age. As long as someone is comfortable in their own skin, age is'nt much to me. Though I probably would'nt date someone really young. I'm to much of a grumpy old fart, not fair to them.
My parents are 12 years apart, and it seems to work for them. My mom is submissive though and likes to be told what she has to do, and my dad is a "rules the roost" kind of guy. I am not sure if that is part of the reason they got together or not.
My husband is 6 years older than me...before I met him, I had never dated anyone over 2 years older than me or one year younger. It's weird, because he used to seem like such a "grown up" to me. lol I was 22 when we met, and he was 28. If I sat and thought about it, it would bother me back then....I was barely in high school when he was putting his life on the line in the first Gulf War. I think I chose him because he was "stable", and I guess I keep him a little younger. I don't think I could go with someone much older than him though. Even at 6 years, he will start talking about stuff from the late 70's/early 80's that I don't remember at all, and it is frustrating sometimes. -
I like older woman. I don't think age makes much difference unless its like a 30 year time span or something.